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Create your own Friend Test hereHey I'm Becca, Becky, Bex, Berecca, Bee... anything beginning with a B basically. A lil bit about me first, Im an average lass who enjoys nights out with my nearest n dearest, I love having a laugh and making my mates laugh at my antics.. I should be blonde really cos I am so gullable and dumb! (NO OFFENCE TO BLONDES!) I love my alcohol.. although there won't be much ogf that flowin til after September!!! I have some fab mates especially NICSYPLONKS! or klik, klikideedoodah, Nic, Nicso or whatever she decides to be called that day! She is the best and we have such a laugh! She's been there for me through the toughest of times and i love and respect her for that. She is a star and deserves the best in life cos she hasn't had it easy and it seems bad things are always happenin to my lil kliksy! I hope 2008 brings her some good luck and peace! Moving on, I have the best boyfriend ever in the whole world! My Ryan. I'm his lil princess, his munchkin, his sweethart (soppy I know!). So anyway moving on again.. Nix, Nichola K, she is fab! Total nut that one!! lol no i love her to bitz, known her since primary school and we have both passed our driving tests... !WATCH OUT ROAD USERS!! Yeh shes an amazing friend and a groovy smoking buddy on a night in the brick bus stop! Then there Is Gem and Tan from college, two of the most amazing lasses you will ever meet, I miss you loads and loads!!!! I never get to see them anymore, and I know I didn't know them for very long but it felt like we was frendz for years!!! LOVE YA! xxSo anyway, if you fancy a natter, be my guest, but don't be an arsehole because I'm sick of them!!
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