.kNoL. profile picture


Acceptance is the key to a new beginning....

About Me

*Sport enthusiast ? (I love playing table tennis, badminton, billiards, volleyball, bowling and I love watching basketball, I do really admire guys who knows how to play them well, beat me and you can have my heart! Hahah!)*True blood fashionista ? (I love clothes, shoes, bags, accessories.. oh my I love to shop!)*Beauty Queen ? (Im fond of joining beauty pageants before, when I was younger! Hahaha. Ms. Lyceum 2003, Ms. College of BA 2001 and Mutya ng Pandacan 2002, Ms. Unilever 2002, to bad I wasn’t able to join Ms. Philippines don’t have the guts for that! hahah)*Youth Leader ? (District Leader of Save Youth Organization & Abante Kabataan, I enjoyed bein’ with the members of this org. they’re true people)*Host *Model *Kikay ? (oh well, its more to mention but I enjoyed hosting in campaigns, events, parties) ? (Contract Model for one year & freelance for a year, usherette, endorser, Im sOoo Kikay in any sense, I don’t go out w/o my kikay kit, my friends hate me when I usually go to the rest room and powder my nose! ahhaha)*Friendly *Super kulit *Fun to be with ? (isn’t obvious? I have friends in any part of the country, even my ex bfs became my friends and people who became my worst enemy, I BELIEVE THAT ACCEPTANCE & FORGIVENESS IS THE KEY TO A NEW BEGINNING and Im a KARMA believer also! I hate Losers, Users, Pathetic and Self-centered pips.. I think that’s my EX but we’re frends! Hahah u are forgiven.. ? im super Kulit daw specially when im drunk ahaha!, has a great sense of humor, I laugh at d corniest jokes, so shallow! Haha!)*Fighter *Achiever *Survivor *Optimistic ? (try to mess up with me and with my friends, u’ll see an angel in disguise, I don’t give up easily in any challenge. I’m a girl full of ambition, I always see to it that I get what I want no matter how hard it is or what the consequences are.. Im game to learn new things.. I always look at the positive side.. I believe that there’s a second a chance for every one, even if you fail at all times, stand up and you’ll see the brighter side of your life.*Outgoing *Independent *Mysterious ? hahha! See for yourself.. uhm, I don’t depend on my parents.. well, if u’ll become my frend you’ll know how independent I am.. Im kinda mysterious to people who don’t know me that much.Huh?! How about the negative side of me? Hahha… honestly?... Im.. *BAD GIRL *PILYA *PASAWAY *MALDITA *CRAZY *NAUGHTY*SOME EXPECT ME TO BE PERFECT BUT IM NOT, FOR NOBOBY IS.. I HAVE MY MISTAKES AND FEARS BUT IM SO CONTENTED FOR WATEVER LIFE I HAVE NOW AND IT DOESNT MATTER WER I CAME FROM, MY TITLE OR MY FAMILY NAME.. ITS ALWAYS MY DIGNITY AS A PERSON DAT COUNTS, OTHERS MAY SEE ME AS A STONE NOT A GEM AND I DONT GIVE A DAMN! I KNOW WHO I AM, HOW I CARE FOR PEOPLE I LOVE.. WAT I THINK AND WAT I FEEL.. ME, MYSELF & I.. NOT PERFECT BUT JUST THE WAY I WANT IT! ... Knol Winks**

My Interests

FaShioN & mOdELinG, gO sEe & pIctOriALs, SpOrTs (table tennis, badminton, volleyball, swimming, billiards, bowling), hOstiNg & pUbLic sPeAkiNg, Writing, hAngIng ouT w/ mY fRiends & co-ModeLs, SuRfiNg d NeT, CoFfEe, MoViEs, oUt of tOwN giMik, niGhT oUts, dRivIng ...

I'd like to meet:

Old & New friends... c",**I really wanted to meet True and Honest person, those who has a great sense of Humor, kind-hearted, God fearing, Responsible and who will not use or take me for granted..**I want to meet someone who is not telling how perfect I am, Someone who will tell me how irritating and impossible I am. Someone who gives compliments at the right time, Someone who will laugh at my clumsiness but wil stil love me for that.Someone who wil hug me and never wants to let Go of & hu wil give me stolen kisses dat r always d sweetest, Someones last call of d nyt & his first thot in d morning..I want to meet Someone who will accept me for what and who I am.. Someone who will say that I am beautiful rather than Hot.. And most importantly, i want to meet Someone i can think of as MINE and MINE alone..uhmmm???... WHERE ARE YOU?!


R&B, aLterNatiVE, rock... LoVe sOngs.. depEndS oN d LyRics.. In A RuSh & CraZy OvEr YoU , SePaRaTEd, CuPid, SomEbOdy, DoiN juSt FinE, i wOn't Cry, iNcOmpleTe, i WaNnA kNoW.. bsta, anything that soothes me!


The Bodyguard, Ghost, never been kissed, notting hill, Click, Troy, Pursuit of Happiness, Legally Blonde, The Fast & the furious, Harry Potter, The Notebook, Face off, Kingdom of Heaven, American Pie, Dare Devil, Jackie Chan & Nicolas Cage's movies...


fAsHioNTv, smaLLvillE, chArMed, ok fiNe, AliaS. fEar FacToR, sPonGebOb, toM and jeRry, disCovEry chaNneL....


im into ashiOn magz, Chicken Soup and Archie's and Friends...


SUPERMAN!!! (alone) and my future HONEY! huh?!

My Blog

"iF u LovE me,pLs LeT me KnOw.. iF u dOn't pLs LeT mE GO!!!! DaMn iT"....

here's the answer to the question on what to prefer: the one who >loves you or the one you love... this is also for those who are waiting for the person they love to love them back openly, to ...
Posted by .kNoL. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

faLLing iNLoVe!!!!

"its so hard to fall inlove with a wrong guy.. but the most painful is falling inlove with someone who can't love you in return...." OuCh!!!!
Posted by .kNoL. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST