MyHotComments / HotFreeLayoutsim interested in lyfe in general, I've done things that most people in ol hood can only dream of and I did before I turned 25. Now I gots a new and exciting world ahead of me, so If i gots my homies and homegirls with me to experience the interests with me, then that is what Im really interested in, is bein me and livin lyfe
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MyHotComments / HotFreeLayoutsMan musix is my lyfe, ever since I was lil I've been listenin to all sorts of music, my pops got me into the hard 80's bands and the heany metal, my uncles brought me up on Mettalica and Iron Maiden, all those bands that just make u wanna throw stuff. But as tyme went on and I found out what I really wanted to do, which was be a Dj, I fell in lofe with hip-hop and rap. The way the told stories ofbout were they came from and were they wanted to go, ade me want to put out the music, put he the message out about em. Thats what music is to me, tellin a story, don't get me wrong, I ain't all hip hop, people will be surprised to know that I listen to Countrym still listen to metal, alt rock, what ever the hell they call it now. Why, becasue if u wanna be a Dj , u gotta be able to listen to different types of music, and love it all. Becuase a Dj is more than just a dude who plays music, he feels it in his heart and lets u know hows his felling when he spins. I ain't done it for a while and I miss the feeling Thats why I want this and this is why my name is on the page.
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I love all the reality movies man, about growin up in the hood, u know shit that me as a young urban minotity can relate to, okay soo my hood is a rez, but struggle was the same as those movies, to get the fuck out. So to me Boyz in the hood, Clockers, Heaven is a Playground, Above the Rim, Juice, al them movies I love it man. Plus, since I lived in a bouse full of females, those being my moms and sisters, I can enjoy the occasional chick flick, i mean I watched Steel Magnolias and all, and I thought them shits were pretty good. The one movie that enjoy the most that i can watch over and ovet again is The Wood, I love for the pure and simple reason that i love anything else, it reminds me of my homies that I don't got up here, J-Luc and my cuz tony, those two I would do anything for and I know they would do the same for me.
MyHotComments / HotFreeLayoutsI really only watch a few television shows, one beign the Boondocks, I love that show the most just because it pushes the envelope on stuff thats happening rite now. Plus its funny as hell. The other one is American Chopper, cause the way they fight kinda reminds me of my family, we all can't get along but we all have alot of fun when were together. and thats about it.
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I really read a lot when I was younger, like almost a book a week or some shit like that. The one book that i can still read today is the Outsidere, its the one book that had the biggest impact on my lyfe and well, It made me decide that I wanted more in lyfe than what I was gonna get if I just let take over and do its own thing. So I took control and got out off the rez. Its all bccause of that book
all heroes come and go, but the real ones, stay imbbedded in ur mind and make a difference in your lyfe. To me, my mother is the biggest here I have, cause she raised 5 kids almost by hereelf, and thats somthing alot of mothers would'nt do, simply cause she was 17 when I was born, but she graduated and now, she has 5 kids that don't depend on her and are as independent as any other. My dad, for creatin the lyfe that he knew he wanted for his children, which meeant leavin us for a week at a tyme and makin that bread for not only us, but my aunts and uncles and
grandparents and great=grandpatents, he didn't have to do that but he did , and thats more than any other man would have do, Plus ehen he did have a weekend off, he would take the 5 of us and try and spent tyme with us, even though he had barely any tyme. My friends, cause everyday one them steps up to help in one way, and they do it just cause there ur friends. Those are my heroes.
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