Marc(revived) profile picture


You can not truly know someone until you know yourself...

About Me

..Haha I'm back and better than ever everybody. For all you peeps that thought I went on a spiritual journey..ya your wrong lol sorry but I just needed time to get some things straight before I pretty much began my life. I'm 19 and I have a long and very ambitious life ahead of me. I am currently getting my associate in arts degree at TCC Northwest. After that I plan on transferring to UTA to study mechanical engineering. While all that's going on I have a full time job to keep up with. I work out 7 days a week. My biggest hobby is music. I play 4 instruments: classical guitar, electric guitar, bass guitar, and currently learning the drums. I like all types of music but my favorite is rock (metal, alternative, classic, etc.). My philosophy is make your life what you want it to be. Myself I want to make my life healthy so i work out. I want a career so I go to school. I want to travel so once a year or more I get outa town. You have so much freedom you don't even use it take advantage of it. As far as my love life goes I already know I'm too young to settle down. For all you ladies out there I'm not trying to turn you away it's only that I'm a free spirit right now if I like you you'll know it but that doesn't mean I want to spend the rest of my life with you. If you grow with me great that's what I'm looking for, but it we grow apart then I think it's best we didn't do anything we would regret. I believe alot in the power of self. I mean if you can't know, love, or trust yourself then how can you expect someone to know, love, and trust you.

My Interests

(insert pics coming soon lol)

I'd like to meet:

Let me tell you a little about this girl =)...well to start off I met her at a restaurant right next to my work. She understands me and I love that! We're headin in the same direction in life and I hope we grow even more together. Even though we just met I want us to be around each other for a very long time. She may not have my future...yet lol but certaintly right now she has my heart <3 thanks for everything babe!


Currently in my car...Metallica, Finger Eleven, Motley Crue, Offspring, and Puddle of Mudd


Currently watching...Knocked Up, Spiderman 3, nothing really good at the movies right now but I did really really like The Dark Knight and Iron Man. And I wanna see these ones!


don't really have time for tv but i would watch the news or just a bunch of movies lol


someone suggest a good book I really want to get into one right now...don't say twilight! lol =p


My family and anyone who is there for me when I need them