red wine. my green bicycle. great tunes. long drives. happy hour. photography. travel. macchu picchu. seattle. haikus. cliff jumping. and honesty.
someone else with tricks up their sleeve.
neko case. erykah badu. arcade fire. belle and sebastian. sufjan stevens. decemberists. wilco. carla bruni. joni mitchell. motown. bluegrass.
anything with parker posey. i strive to live my life just like party girl, complete with falafel, vintage clothing, a lebanese lover, a job as a library clerk, and a neurotic gay boyfriend.
the history channel. and npr, which of course is not television.
one hundred years of solitude. jitterbug perfume. galapagos. narcissus and goldmund.
the little girl dancing on the side of the road as we drove past in korokoro. you get down with your bad self girl.