what is the soundtrack to the stories of the smallwoods? it's inklings' clicks and whistles, the busy clatter in mr. fox's workshop, the quiet shuffles of books and critters in the smallwoods library, the goose brigade flying overhead. it's coughy the mouse, patiently collecting tickle fluff. it's the blades of grass reaching out to say hi, growing up against the great big welcome sign. it's a clumsy banjo and a delicate mandolin, a piano and flute, the love between friends and family, and lots of singing. who can separate the sounds? where is the line between the music and the storytelling? we cannot tell.
handwritten letters is a family. our time is spent searching for the smallest of pure sounds and ideas, for the sweetest vanilla tenderberries and the petals of the most beautiful dainty flowers. coughy offers his softest piece of tickle fluff. ninl saves some inkling dust and shiver berries from the garden. all of the pieces are carefully stitched together, sealed up as songs in small bottles. each one is carried off and delivered with the hope of receiving a new bottle or two with stars inside. we are not especially refined musicians -- we're here to tell and re-tell the stories that we know to be truest and most sincere; to empathize and portray an intimate sound.
handwritten letters is joshua daniel, tamara dean & jamison glenn.
the garden e.p. has been re-released -- 6 songs for $6, wrapped in super cute, eco-friendly packaging and tied off with a bow by hand. it is available for purchase at http://thesmallwoods.etsy.com. corey scogin is our recording engineer. sire press is our printing & duplication provider. www.sirepress.com
handwritten letters is taking an extended break from shows with the arrival of isaiah michigan on january 25, 2009. thanks for all your love & support!
for booking call 205-222-9242.