Dave doesn't have a bike. profile picture

Dave doesn't have a bike.

Puppies make everything precious.

About Me

Tom Arnold once gave my dad a box of chocolates.

I have recently driven 2200 miles away from Southern California and thrust myself into the most socially and financially awkward situation of my life. Let's see how I react...


My Interests

Saying "thank you" at inappropriate times

messing with peoples' expectations

thinking outside the box

lots of spray paint

a 2 wheeled blessing that makes life better

the following genres/categories of art so far: [Abstract Expressionism(action and color field both), Pop Art, DaDa, Surrealism, De Stijl, Minimalism, Robert Rauschenberg(he's his own genre), Earth Works, Super Realism, Expressionism, basically really anything from the last century, and slightly before]

screaming as loud as possible

being obsessed with the number 420 even though I've never done drugs in my life

being a vegetarian who hates PETA

being obsessed with cardboard cutouts of people

an unbridled love for pleasant surprises

believes it's hard to find people with a strong general sense of respect

I'd like to meet:

Those willing to raise me as their own, despite me being a member of another species, such as the following: img src="http://www.neatorama.com/images/2006-06/sai-mai-tiger-p iglet.jpg"


All time top 5 that probably won't change anytime soon:
1. Less Than Jake:
-The very reason I started becoming obsessed with music. They were my first favorite band. Even though I hardly ever listen to them, they will always be number one for what their music showed me.

2. Jimmy Eat World:
-Number 2 for much the same reason that Less Than Jake is number 1. This band introduced me to the more indie side of music and to this day I still get all fluttery listening to their older stuff. So many memories of laying on my bedroom floor alone and just being lost in their music when I was 16. I still maintain that Clarity is my all time favorite album.

3. The Appleseed Cast:
-This band earned their spot based almost solely on musical merit alone. They play the most beautiful sounding music my ears have ever been fortunate enough to hear.

4. Modest Mouse:
-Lyrically untouchable in my eyes. Isaac Brock's drug induced story-like lyrics are crafted in a way that doesn't seem very well thought out, but still just comes together perfectly out of nowhere.

5. Hot Cross:
-Raw unadulterated power. Hot Cross is the kind of music that makes you want to sing the lyrics at the top of your lungs with mouth outstretched towards the sky, hoping that every injustice in the world is brought to the attention of those around you. The strategically understated dueling guitars in Fair Trades And Farewells keep my ears in a state of extreme alertness from start to finish. This band has so much potential for the years ahead of them.

Yeah, Less Than Jake and Hot Cross on the same list, that's right you elitist fucks.

Honorable Mentions: Mineral, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Saetia, Bob Dylan, From Monument To Masses, Explosions In the Sky, Matt Pond PA, Counting Crows


I finally just finished "De Stijl", by Paul Overy

My Blog

Modesto/Turlock/San Fran/Pleasanton/NOT Stockton pics...

So once again, a minor roadtrip occured.  This one was supposed to be full of riding also, but most of the weekend was spent running from the rain, and not much of it happened.  While visual...
Posted by Dave doesn't have a bike. on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 11:42:00 PST

Haven't written anything in a while...

broke that curse last night.  I've had some ideas pinging around in my head lately, and I finally got some random latenight inspiration and put words down.  Feed me back yo.   The Clean...
Posted by Dave doesn't have a bike. on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 12:31:00 PST

Sandy Eggo Picturesssszzzzz

General lifestyle shots: Kay, now for bike riding shots(trampoline bikes count):Now for my personal favorites, the PARTY shots:...
Posted by Dave doesn't have a bike. on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 07:11:00 PST

Sonoma or Bust! (I got bust)

Okay so here's a small version of how this trip came about. Got a bunch of days off so I could hang out with Jenna Huhn cause she was going to be in San Diego visiting from Ohio. That fell through. So...
Posted by Dave doesn't have a bike. on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 06:34:00 PST

CRITICIZE THIS! *middle finger*

Here are lyrics to a song by the band I'm involved with.  Feedback is appreciated, otherwise I'll just never learn.   Life Without Thumbs Our thoughts fly and land like water balloons in th...
Posted by Dave doesn't have a bike. on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 09:16:00 PST

Arizona mini-photo blog

Thanks to my camera being semi-broken I didn't take a whole portfolio full of pictures, but still managed to snap a few choice gems.  I don't feel like writing a lot so I'll just let the pictures...
Posted by Dave doesn't have a bike. on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 07:54:00 PST

My 20th birthday, and it's consequences.

The day started nice.  Woke up early, took out the trash, rode my bike alone at a couple of my favorite riding spots, Tuffree Middle School and Valencia High School.  After that I went and h...
Posted by Dave doesn't have a bike. on Wed, 02 Nov 2005 02:00:00 PST

The Ohio Connection.

A recent excursion to Columbus, Ohio has left me with a good amount of pictures and memories, some of which will now be shared with the general public. Cincinnatti airport, waiting for my flight to Co...
Posted by Dave doesn't have a bike. on Fri, 26 Aug 2005 10:20:00 PST

Wimbly learns how to drive!

The hero of our adventure.  Oh Wimbly, stop necking with that girl, it's time to learn how to drive! Well, first things first, time to get some gas! Now, squeegee the windows for maximum visibi...
Posted by Dave doesn't have a bike. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Wimbly's zany caper!

Wimbly Wimbly and I. Let's go shopping Wimbly! I see you've found breakfast Wimbly! HA HA HA HA! Oh Wimbly, you're so silly, stop playing around you dumbshit! Aww Wimbly, even the employees love ...
Posted by Dave doesn't have a bike. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST