Scott Thomas profile picture

Scott Thomas

The Music Always Wins

About Me

Scott Thomas began his musical career in Austin, Texas at an early age. "My mom has a picture of me in diapers sitting in an electric skillet, beating on the linoleum floor with wooden spoons." It wasn't long before he transitioned to his mother's pots and pans, and eventually, a Toys 'R' Us kit. It seems as if there was something in his blood by the time there was something in his diapers.However, it wasn't until his family relocated to Connecticut that Scott's interest in music and drumming began to blossom. As a yankee in Connecticut, Scott took his first drum lessons with Randy Rhoads' father while in the 4th grade. He also had his first solo that year in the school band's Christmas concert.Scott continued to pursue his passion for drumming through high school in the rural New England town of Exeter, New Hampshire. He made the All-State Orchestra and played in the high school jazz band and marching band. He also started playing out professionally in the area. "I used to jam with my my bands in my parent's basement and we would play whatever gigs we could get.While still living in New Hampshire, Scott attended a Jonathan Mover clinic and was blown away by his polyrythmic playing. Jonathan also planted the seed in Scott's head about studying with Gary Chaffee.The following year Scott moved back to Austin to attend the University of Texas and to live in the self-proclaimed "live music capital of the world." While at UT Scott was in the Percussion Ensemble, Longhorn Band, and played in several jazz combos. After one year in the music department, he decided to cultivate the seed that was earlier planted in his head. "I packed up my stuff in my jeep and drove 2,000 miles to Boston to study with Gary Chaffee." Scott studied privately with Gary off and on for a couple years. "It completely changed my outlook on the drums. I became much more focused and dedicated to practicing. I remember Jonathon saying that he used to practice 13 hours a day while studying with Gary. After a rather humbling first lesson I could see why. I was told my technique was okay, but my independence sucked!"He has also had lessons with Terry Bozzio, Steve Houghton, Brannen Temple, and Ed Soph.Scott has recorded and toured with numerous bands, encompassing many different genres-rock/pop, heavy metal, prog rock, fusion, Latin jazz, blues, hip hop, and funk. Some of the groups he has played with include: canvas, Johnny Goudie, Dexter Freebish, Murder, My Sweet, Stream, Pura Vida, Vertical Leap, Red Snapper, Jon Taylor, and Lance Keltner. These days Scott continues to play and record music in "The Doghouse Studio" in his backyard. Many new tunes are in the works and some will be posted here, along with some video footage, as soon as they're completed.Scott would like to thank his parents for the wooden spoons, and for putting up with all the years of pounding. He would also like to thank his wife Miranda for her continued support-BG This layout is from; get yours today!

My Interests


Member Since: 1/14/2006
Band Members:
Influences: Steve Smith, Vinnie Colaiuta, Terry Bozzio, JoJo Mayer, Gary Chaffee, Dave Dicenso, John Bonham, Stewart Copeland, Matt Chamberlain, Tony Williams
Sounds Like: take a listen
Type of Label: None

My Blog

new song uploaded

Check out my latest song, "008." It features my friend Brad on bass and I'm guilty of doing the rest.
Posted by Scott Thomas on Sat, 09 Aug 2008 06:53:00 PST