~*Da Love Of Ma Lyfe...Ma Beautiful Nephew Jalen*~
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~* HIP HOP, R&B, RAP, POP & IM A BIG FAN OF OMARION. Omari Ishmael Grandberry is my future husband..LOL, I try to make to every concert or opening that he has. I saw him up close at Grad Nite 06 in Disney World & went crazy...LOL. I love his style, the way he dances. Basiclly I love everything about him. Wen I first saw him he was wit B2K & he was the member that caught my attention.IM NOT A GROUPIE JUZ A BIG FAN.
~* I love movies that talk about real life situtions, movies that are really funny & movies i could relate to. So the movies i love are...U Got Served, Baby Boy, Two Can That Game, Jason's Lyric, Love & Basketball, Set it Off, Titanic, The Notebook, Crul Intentions, The Best Man, The Wood, The Brothers, Dairy of a Mad Black Woman, State Property,Dont be a Menace in South Central while Drinking your Juice in the Hood, The DaVinci Code, & Dream Girls. *~
~* The shows i love are Fresh Prince, Girlfriends, Laguna Beach, Martin, Charmed, The Jamie Foxx Show, Soul Food & The Wayans Brothers *~
~* The Books i love are Sex Chronicals, The Coldest Winter Ever, & The Hustlers Wife *~