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About Me

Annjela said :
and bryan made my day (:
"You + me = Me, since youre nothing"
What a jerk.... she doesnt love me...
Dear Bryan, I; dont love you yet. You have a nice smile (: You make me mad. You should seriously stop tagging yourself in my ugly pictures. Someday I will kick you if you throw me a suprise party. You + me = shave it and dinner on labor day, yeah? If I saw you now I'd hide cuz i look like SHIT. I want to hug you. I would build a wow account just for you. We could start a house fire while backing under the stars.Love, Annjelllaaaaa(P.S. i like your earings.) <3
CAPRICORN The Go-Getter (Dec 22 - Jan 19) Patient and wise. Practical and rigid. Ambitious. Tends to be Good-looking. Humorous and funny. Can be a bit shy and reserved. Often pessimistic. Capricorns tend to act before they think and can be Unfriendly at times. Hold grudges. Like competition. Get what they want. 20 years of good luck if you forward.
DeboraKim, top0<3 BRYANISAMANWHORE ,
who agrees ;]
haha, i met this guy over here through the rheeeee's. the first thing i touched that was his was his guitar hero. him& john were outt, &me and some people were playing with it :D first talked to him through phone, cuhs of danrhee &saw him @anc, cuhs of mp3night. he's freaking gaaaay ; says i'm not in his top cuhs i'm his top0 ?! just not showing -__-x haha(: he's like the first person i know that gets homeschooled. this "fag's" a '91, but acts like my age, haha. he gave me this nickname, "bbolah". made me go like o__o waaat? at first, lmao. but we never use it anymore .__. HAHA, it was so funny when we went to carl's , was it?, &me and you and john put salt like everywhere. my food was freakin salty cuhs of you . &the drinkk, oh my. how was i supposed to know you put a french fry in there, lmao. i wonder what happened the nasty drink we made at the end o_O the casanova thing you put in last, was SO NASTY. but yeah, i embarrassed myself so much already, haha. i remember my stomach growled louddd on the phone once, lmao. he wouldn't sleep laughing. He's so impatient ! >:O i'll finish here for now(:


So... I suck at things like this but its for bryan so i guess ill give it a tryy :p I met bryan like 3 weeks ago at church because he needed my phone for a texting battle with jesse and brandon so i think thats how we first started talking lol :] then we started talking and hanging out moree and it somehow it ended up like this :]<33 bryans like one of the most loudest person EVER!! while waiting in line for tatsu having someone yell "THIS IS THE LAST F***ING TIME YOU GUYS ARE GOING TO YELL LIKE THAT!!" lol but its not our fault for trying to have fun while waiting :]love EVERYTHING bout this guyy... dont no wut else to say... so im going to stopp~ bye bye ^-^ love youu!!~ <33~Annie a.k.a. Ant~
Hey hey hey this is Esther CHUNG. Everyone here started out by saying how they met Bryan so.. Ill do the same. I met Bryan on the Fourth of July! Thanks to ANNIE (: they’re the cutest couple ever btw. At first I thought Bryan was a mean jerk, but as I got to know him better, I found out that he’s the funniest/sweeties[?] guy ever. We have a lot in common too. One of them is EATING. We shared a turkey leg at six flags and ate French fries with MAYONASE. sounds gross but it wasnt.. another thing we have in common is that were SUPER scared of ghosts. We both think that a ghost is gonna be standing behind us when were washing our face.. or taking a shower. Oh yeahh he has the funniest laugh in the world lol. He laughs at everything. This guy also denies that he’s not sleepy when he’s already HALF asleep while were on the phone. Annie knows what i'm talking about ahah. I love web caming with him cus he always ends up doing something stupid like.. taking his shirt off. Ew. But nevertheless he’s awesome cus he always makes me laugh lol. This guy is crazy fast at texting and responds really QUICKLY. It keeps me company when I’m bored ahah. He’s the road runner at texting ahah. He LOVES studying and HATES basketball. -_- I’m kidding. This guy hates anything that has to do with work/studying. He started teaching this little kid how to play basketball when he was really supposed to be STUDYING. >_< he also wears basketball shorts under his jeans. i think thats weird. Bryan may be old and he may dress like a G, but he’s a little kid at heart. If yu pretend to be ppi juh suh at him, he FREAKS out haha. OH yeah he’s super fob but he doesn’t dress like one so when he busted out like a paragraph of Korean, I got scared lol. i hope this is long enough for yu BRY. Yul moo kimchi;; FASHOW. (: *update.* THIS GUY IS THE BEST BEAT BOXING PERSON EVER! HE IS SOOO FRIKIN GOOD BUT HE WONT ADMIT IT! >:[ he can go soo fast too. bry yu are frikin full of talents.
aol messager : wahnuhmoyah
msn : [email protected]
cyworld : .com/aspsoab

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joanna and my funniest conversation ever had

Bryan says:what are you doing?    You have invited saeromanderson to start sending webcam. Please wait for a response or Cancel (Alt+Q) the pending invitation.  You have just sent ...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 23:20:00 GMT