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I am here for Friends

About Me

Well... my nickname is Yoshi.

I'm not a very interesting kind of guy in my opinion... so there wouldn't be much point in writing a whole bunch. I'm swarmed in the most interesting, amazing people in the world but in return I'm kind of bland.And~

My Interests

Movies, sketching things, riding my bike, talking to people, my friends, anime, music, games, and all that stuff.

I'd like to meet:

I've already met her.


My all time favorite super hero movies:


In order of when I met them;
Johnny, geez I still remember the B.D.'s... I grew up with this kid, he was the friend I had before I even had friends. My cousin and oldest friend, even though we hardly ever talk anymore this guy here will always be somehow involved in my life. I remember back when we were kids, my grandma would babysit us either at my house or his old house. And we'd fight with Deanne all the time and call her names and stuff. I remember this one time he had this police badge that I really wanted, and I tried to trade him with this crappy toy I got from McDonalds and he wanted the toy but didn't want to trade the badge so I took it back. I still feel bad about that even today. But, I was just a dumb kid back then. Actually, maybe I still am now. Maybe our kids will be friends or something, either way my fondest childhood memories are with him, hey Johnny you remember the Superman we buried at the park?
Trevor, who has had to put up with me and stick up for me since we were in 2nd grade. He's had at least some part to play in every phase of my life, and is one of the kindest most understanding people in the world. You have to put up with so much of my crap, "you know?" Hey Trevor, do you remember those Poke'mon hats we always wore? And that weird Power Rangers picture I once drew for you in second grade? I remember back then you stuck up for me too, that one guy took my pencil sharpener and never gave it back, but I was to shy to go and ask for it back or tell the teacher and you did it for me.
Charles, who everyday inspires me to work hard and to be a man. He's taught me to suck up my pain and test my limits. With this guy, I can talk about anything. And I mean anything, whether it be about my fears, my pain, insecurities and all of those things that I try to hide pushing near the brim, I can talk to him about it to feel better. Most people treat him like shit, and tell him to go away, but this guy has a heart of gold that Charles does. He may be a joker and seem kinda out of control in public, but when push comes to shove I can rely on this guy and my brother David. Ey Charles, remember back in Sixth grade when you and those guys beat up Jake? I never thought that one day you'd be a good buddy of mine.
Nathalie, we aren't really close friends... Or at least not as close as I'd like us to be but she still is a really good friend. She helped me get over an abusive monster that for some reason I was close to feeling in love with. Even though you don't know this, and probably never will. She made me really happy and made me feel included when she wanted me to go to church and seminary with her, I only wish I could have been able to keep waking up so early... Hey Nathalie, remember those times when we went to the movies? I'm pretty sure they'll be the closest I'll ever have been to going on a date. But that's sort of a selfish memory. I remember when we used to work together on vocabulary words in Grace's class. You and me would always switch off on words and get them done really fast, and you'd always need paper. It's kind of funny, the first week of school we had to work together on that short story with someone else and you and her did all the work on that map thing. Then the next day you weren't there and I couldn't remember your name and Mr. Grace said your last name was Dumm, but I thought that it was spelled like "Dumb". I was so confused, I thought there was no way that could be your last name.
Nathan, this guy stays strong no matter how hard of a time he gets with women and their unpredictability. He's taught me to stick with it and you'll get the girl. I remember, back in eight grade you and me skipped school for like, five minutes from Gaal's class. That five minutes ruined my entire Christmas vacation.
David, hey he's practically my brother. He made my freshman year not suck and I think he is one of the only people I open up too. Actually, methinks he knows things you never will. Hey David, remember when we fought Normandy for Dani? One day you will have to go back and climb that fence.
Dani, you annoy me, you get on my nerves, you say mean and terrible things that rip me away on the inside. And I couldn't live without you. You're just like the lifelong friend I never had, minus the lifelong. I'm pretty sure we've been fighting since we were in the womb. You helped me realize that there are more things to live for in life than other people, you helped me find that I didn't need "her", and that I am someone, and that someone will remember me. You taught me not to give up on life on account of another, I only wish I had kept your kind words so that I could repeat them to you now, but that blog had to be deleted. The frame of mind erased. But I hope you remember all of the kind things you said to me, because I remember them. And maybe you'll go back to saying nice things to me one day!
Mika, if not my twin she is definitely my little sister. This one right here has been there for me to talk to about pretty much anything. From girls to life she is the closest thing I'll ever have to therapy, and she helped me get safely through the Tiffany period of my life. Remember my promise to you? One day we will finally be able to meet face to face.
To anyone else who has helped in shaping my life, regardless of whether I mentioned you or not: "Gee, thanks for changing me!!!"

My Blog

I got robbed while workin the corner guys...

Today after school, Lassen came over and hung out at my place for a while. Then we decided to go to Charles' house to hang out. On the way down the street, Lassen saw a free black leather couch in fro...
Posted by YOSHI on Sat, 10 May 2008 09:36:00 PST


I've had this for ages, but I'm not very active. I'mma try and be moar active so you should add me if you have it. So, go go gadget freakin' add me! http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=598842639Any...
Posted by YOSHI on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 07:36:00 PST

I’m grounded...

yeah I know it sucks... Although if you really need to talk to me call me up because that is something I'm not grounded at... well see ya... (or drop a message)
Posted by YOSHI on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 07:35:00 PST

Made a Board, if you wanna join it go ahead an stuffs

Posted by YOSHI on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 06:58:00 PST

Today made me happy :D

I got a 94% on my historical fiction! ^^ And my teacher said "Your writing is amazing. The imagery and specific details are beautiful."Now I just hope she doesn't find out that I didn't do any of the ...
Posted by YOSHI on Fri, 04 May 2007 03:11:00 PST

This New Analogy I Randomly Came Up With In Health

Okay, so I'm sitting in Health class yesterday and we were talking about stress. So Mr. Wagner (coolest freakin' teacher) started making examples and asked us to make some, and this one kid talked abo...
Posted by YOSHI on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 10:39:00 PST


So.....yeah, I attended today at the LDS church near school. Well....actually I went last friday, but I don't think that one counted. It was really cool, I got to understand more about what mormons be...
Posted by YOSHI on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 06:50:00 PST

A cruel irony that we shall soon face (that i will laugh at if it happens)

Okay, everyone has their own thoughts about how we will all eventually die one day right? Well, heres mine...In a small secluded amish villiage thing (or whatever the hell they have). On the day of re...
Posted by YOSHI on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 10:30:00 PST

That drawing in my pic.s

If you wanted to see the picture in full size here it is, heh i rushed on the lower half...^.^; These were some of the basic concepts i did way back when i was working on what they should look like! ^...
Posted by YOSHI on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 09:51:00 PST