The Jinx Clambake Explosion was made up of James Murphy, Joe F, Basil (Bill) Yokayama, Artanker, Chris Kufuthu (Fu), Christy, and Steve Nebesny, at various times. The band lasted just over a year. The JCE got its foothold in Titusville NJ, moved rapidly from basement parties for 40 or so dancing kids, to shows on flatbed trucks for 80 or so, to shows on farms for 300, and finally to a NORML festival for over 1000, in just a few months as winter turned to summer and then fall. The JCE never got paid for any of these shows, but the Titusville kids were generous with their homes, booze, reefer, women and adoration. The band finally hit NYC in December 1992 with a headlining Saturday night show at Room Temperature in prehistoric Williamsburg (the legendary Dung Beetle volunteered to open), and promptly self destructed. The band cancelled their follow up gig the following weekend at Philadelphia's Khyber Pass. They never played all together again.
James Murphy went on to form Pony, Speedking, LCD Soundsystem and DFA Records. Artanker and Joe F went on to form Stratotanker and Artanker Convoy. Bill first dedicated himself to becoming the best gas station attendant ever, and after achieving that went to Russia to learn the language at the advice of his mentor. Fu went to California and thrived during the tech boom, and continued to play music. Christy has not been seen since the early days of the band. The Titusville kids scattered after the JCE broke up, but you can still see them dancing some nights when the moon is right.