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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

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Hi there, I’m Sheri. I am a down to earth, free-spirited, radical, succulent, proud BBW… just for starters. I have light red hair (yes, natural), green eyes, and more freckles than stars in the sky.
I live 40 miles south of Iowa City, out in the sticks, with my dearest friend, 3 dogs, 2 cats, and 2 hamsters. I enjoy bonfires, swimming in our mini-lake (pond) in the natural state of course, underneath the moon and stars. I’ve had much spiritual growth out here, and don’t miss the city at all! I so appreciate the peace and tranquility out here, and time literally moves slower.
On my playlist is a song “Burning Times” by Rumors of the Big Wave, please take the time to listen to it. A bit of Pagan history that is not well known, and I relate to very strongly.
I’ve had much loss in the past 2 years, and its taken its toll on me, but I’m trying to get back on my feet and enjoy life again.
depths of me.:
Get to know me a little better. The questions that really help you to know me. Have fun.
If you could live in any other place, where & why? I'm very happy where I live
What animal best represents you & why? The black panther - incredible strength, loyalty, and only pulls out the claws when nessisary
What is the craziest thing you ever did? Had sex in my car in a park - was great till another car came along
If you could go back in time & live in any decade, which would it be & why? Back when man lived in peace with nature
If you could have any superpower what would it be? To fly
Whos is your ultimate celebrity crush? Johnny Depp
What color best represents you? Black
What would your life's theme song be? "Sex Is Not the Enemy" by Garbage
What celebrity best represents your vision of fashion? Punky Brewster! :)
What would your life movie be called? A life too extraordinary to believe
What is the greatest music video of all time? That is too hard to pick - I think it'd have to be one of Madonna's videos
If you could star in any t.v. show, which one would it be? I could care a less
What vehicle best represents you? One of those old, but dependable beater cars LOL
If you could bring back 1 famous person from the dead for a day, who & why? Marilyn Monroe to ask her who killed her
If you became president, what would you do first? Stop the war, bring our troops back, and try to repair some of this horrific damage
If you got one tattoo, what would it be? Unicorn
Who do you think is the hottest musician/singer/rapper? 50 Cent
Who do you think is the hottest t.v. reality star? Reality TV is one of the worst things to ever be aired - we should all be ashamed
What sport best represents you & why? Figue Skating - feminine with incredible strength
What is your most missed memory of childhood? If it's a missed memory, how could I tell you? LOL
What is your greatest accomplishment? Surviving the past 2 years - no one should have that much loss in such a short time
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.com

My Interests


My pond aka mini-lake ..

Being in nature, swimming nude in my beautiful, clean pond (the way Mother Nature intended), animals, bonfires, meditating, astronomy, photography, massage, dancing, singing, candle light bubble baths, poker, art, and exploring what life has to offer.

I'd like to meet:

Real, open minded, non judgmental, non superficial, down to earth people with character and depth. That excludes any BUSH supporters!! I hate drama, so don't bring me any.


Portishead, Tom Petty, Goldfrapp, Eminem, Madonna, Garbage, Vangelis, No Doubt, Delerium, Leftfield, Lords Of Acid, Bjork, Alicia Keys, Supreme Beings of Leisure, Bush, Daddy Yankee, Bo Ramsey, L7, Missy Elliot, The KLF, DKDENT, 50 Cent, Enigma, Moby, The Rolling Stones, Heather Nova, Marilyn Manson, NIN, Tangerine Dream, Pink Floyd, Guns N Roses, Fleetwood Mac, A3.. anything but country, please!


Transformers, Apocalypto, 3:10 To Yuma, Black Snake Moan, The Core, Lord of the Rings, Pan's Labyrinth, Perfect Stranger, The Devil Wears Prada, Artifical Intelligence, Better Than Chocolate, A Beautiful Mind, Patch Adams, Super Troopers, She's the Man, The Birdcage, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, MIB, Bad Santa, War of the Worlds, Titanic, Mission Impossible, But I'm A Cheerleader, Soldier's Girl, Patch Adams, Aliens, Clueless, The Lion King, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Slide Bi Me, Boys Don't Cry, One Hour Photo, Too Wong Foo Thanks For Everything Julie Newmar, Twister, Mission To Mars, The Perfect Storm..... and so many more.


Weeds, Absolutely Fabulous, Law & Order, Scrubs, Will & Grace, Roseanne, Daria, Real Time With Bill Maher, Democracy Now! (LinkTV), South Park, MTV Cribs, Family Guy, Pimp My Ride, Nova, Myth Busters, The Simpsons, Drawn Together... I love anything about science...but I don't watch much TV these days. I HATE "reality" and trash TV!!


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"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President or that we must stand by the President right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but it is morally treasonable to the American ...
Posted by PutzeeCat on Tue, 24 Jan 2006 12:34:00 PST