Pretty much still in love with Justin Timberlake .. my poor husband huh? haha! I love it all... COuntry by far is my favorite though.. especially RASCAL FLATTS!Joe-Don Makes my kneeeeeees weak...
NOT A HUGE fan of movies... to much on my mind.. i think i have A.D.D.
24!!! SO excited for the next season.. January! ANd all those reality shows.. i'm for sure a junkie.
I dont do books.
My sister tiffany. She is truly a strong and beautiful women. She has ALWAYS been there for me NO matter what she is a great listener and understands even tho i might sound ocmpletly insane sometimes! Shes has been through SO much in her life and has dealt with it all and moved on. She is so awesome i cant even describe it to you, but trust me, you are missin out on a great person if u dont know her!!My husband.... I ♥ LOVE ♥ YOU KELLY J MORRISON!!!