Gloriana profile picture


Alcohol, Lies and Drama, Cheers to the Drunken Nights

About Me

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My Sweetheart

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

I luv meeting new people that are full of personality!!Its fun to see how everyone is doing that I haven't talked to in forever.


I love all types of music whether it gets me dancing or thinking of that certain someone.


Leaving Las Vegas, Napoleon Dynamite, White Chicks,Wedding Crashers, Unfaithful, Love Jones, the Notebook,Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind


I would have to say reality shows.


I'm a sucker for romance novels


Everyone to me is a hero of their own. We have all overcome something at one point in our lives.

My Blog


So i decided to do a blog on friendships. I think some girls are confused on what friendship means. I onsider myself to have alot of friends & i like the fact that i have several groups of them. S...
Posted by Gloriana on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 10:36:00 PST