| View Show | Create Your Ownphysical fitness,taking pictures, international travel, the Baha'i Faith, anything to do with politics and history--finding a remedy for the unnecessary injustice, poverty, and violence that exists in the world today--ridding the world of all aspects of cultural imperialism and neo-colonialism (ex. Bush's war on Iraq)---bringing to light the various human rights violations that are committed by governments across the globe--making sure that all human life is respected and protected--an American life is NOT worth more than the life of the citizen of another country--sorry to those who believe otherwise--but we are all equal in God's eyes--bringing world peace--ending racism and the extremes of wealth and poverty in the world
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KOFI ANNAN,BILL MAHER, NELSON MANDELA,MICHEAL MOORE, BILL CLINTON, BILLIE JOE ARMSTRONG--GREEN DAY, ANGELINA JOLIE, & SHAKIRA--oh wait a sec--i guess this means who i'd like to meet on myspace--my bad--i'm looking to link up with old friends and make some new ones
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i am a diverse person so i listen to many different genres of music--i love to dance so i love all caribbean music--reggae, soca, reggaeton, etc.--i also like alternative music--especially green day--i love shakira--and i like a lot of the traditional music from all corners of the globe
the color purple, sometimes in april, roots, bowling for columbine,napolean dynamite, goodfellas, the house of sand and fog, the gods must be crazy, bend it like beckham, the constant gardener, the borat movie, and lots more--i just can't think right now
real time with bill maher, the sopranos, family guy, and south park
too many to mention--just ask
mother teresa,nelson mandela, ghandi, malcolm x,patrice lumumba--all the unnamed heroes who gave their lives in the various civil rights movements across the globe and revolutions against the evil colonial powers... of course my daddy(the crazy old hippie),-- my mommy, my grandma iona,grandma louise, tanty susie, yvette, marcia, beloved celia, and my beautiful cousin quen, my aunts kathy and joanne--all beautiful and strong queens from whom i derive my strength and inspiration...
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