sleeping, internet, alcohol, amplifier bar circa 2006, dancing, inventing dance moves based on sports, food, good sammys, late nights, reading, living out of home, cringing, alternating between living in a mess and being obsesssive about cleaning, organising mess into piles, my dwindling coin pile, my messy corner, sleeping, spending minimal amounts of time and money on my hair yet people still thinking its cool, bartending, drive thru's, wishing more things were available in drive thru format, watching dvds with others, typing out words and drawing out the last letterrr, sleeping, winter, driving, getting lifts, clothes that fit good, cotton boxers, the west coast eagles, my sunglasses, sleeping, prolonging the life of the bamboo in my room, eating fruit, my pink toothbrushes, road rage, wondering if there is anything worse in life than MCI units