Someone who loves herself, as she confident, happy, contented and optimistic, from within...and enjoys evolving into an even happier, more complete person, with each passing day. Someone who while pleased with where she is in life, constantly strives to improve someway, do I. Someone with a healthy self esteem...who tries to maintain a healthy mind, body, and spirit for her own well being, and happiness. Someone who is loving, caring, giving, honest and open, with her soulmate. Someone who doesn't mind being spoiled, in all the little ways, as well as the big ones. Someone who can't help but laugh and smile, most of the time...even when times turn rough. Someone with a spring in her step...and a glow from within. Someone with the capacity to love and be loved, more than ever before. Someone who is affectionate and expressive. Someone who is honest, with themselves and with you...who wouldn't even know how to lie to someone they loved. Someone who isn't perfect, but tries to be, nevertheless. An idealist, an optimist, a believer in herself and others, and a dreamer of good things to come, most of the time...with the wisdom of the realist, when necessary, to deal with the negative, which arises, from time to time, in the most positive way possible, seeing it as an opportunity to learn, and to grow, and to turn it into a victory. Someone who enjoys being happy.UPDATE (2-4-07):While I have met, and continue to meet, many really cool friends online, I am really kinda choosy when it comes to those whom I would consider dating at this time. I would prefer that they be local, at least from somewhere in Arizona, already...for practical reasons. It's just a whole lot easier, imo, to really get to know each other, that way, and spoil each other at will. And, I am primarily looking in the age range of around 28-35, due to my other sincere wish which is to find someone who is still willing and able to have some kiddos, some day, should everything go along smoothly, of course. I realize that ladies of other age groups can, and do, have babies, as well, but just wish to keep things practical and realistic, for me, I suppose. I hope this isn't alarming or upsetting to any of my friends. I treasure you all...value your advice, appreciate you hearing me out, when I need someone to talk to, and am always tickled to kid around, pass jokes, and flirt with you all. I just wanted to explain, a bit, where I'm coming from and what I'm hoping for, however impractical, or lofty a dream, just so that noone has any question as to my intentions or dreams. Love you all. Hugs.