movies,hardcore music,working out,football(maybe next year giants)tattoos,boxing,and the art of chillin
I already met her.....
- Sick of it all
- 25 ta life
- last call
- E-town
- madd ball
-Agnostic front
-great day for up
-blood for blood
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favorite movie of all time-good fellas...any mob movie,old school,40 yr. old virgin(you know how i know your gay?)office space
Law and order,the wire,the sopranos(jersey represent),Giants football
Anything by Dean Koontz and Hep
much love to Bobby Bac., Dolan, KB,Frank Boogie, Jenny Boogie, Rachael and the other Muddy Cup Hoes, Melissa, Glenna, Annie J, Symone,mikey r.,great day for up,friends of bill w.much love to my whole fuckin Jersey crew,and Howie