Myspace Layouts at / It's always been you
Myspace Layouts at / It's always been you
I have a lot of favorite books.... but okay let me tell yah some of it...lolz I really love the book.. thE Da vinci code (of course!who wouldn't?hehehehe...) I find the book ThE aLcHeMisT...inspiring (it's actually one of my all time favorites) I also love the book..meMoirs of a Geisha... (simply because it's nice!!)I usually like.. books that are written by MEG CABOT(she's really an author for TEENS-that's just my opinion...hehehe...)i find her books entertaining... I also like the book..HOUSE OF DREAMS by Brenda joyce.. ('coz its kinda scary...hehehe)and most especially....i supah dupah love harry potter!! buwahahaha....though i only read the books 4,5 and 6 i was really hooked...nwie,those are just some of the books that are fun and interesting to basa na!!!lolz!