I found my self asking God who I am and what I was put on this earth for. The answer he gave me was very simple, “you are what you make your selfâ€. but he couldn’t tell me what I was put on this earth for because I had to find that out on my own. Every body was put on this earth for a reason and that reason can change depending on how you live your life. To achieve your main purpose in life takes a great deal of hard work, sacrifices and dedication. Yep, I had to learn that the hard way and I’m still learning, The best teacher is experience and mistakes. I might not be perfect now or not even close to it, but my goal is to be a perfect man and I will make it. I WOULD WRITE MORE BUT I GOT THE MUNCHESfound this cars layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com :: MyHotComments
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