Edward Norton, Tim Roth, Christian Bale, Jennifer Connelly, dudes who write Frisky Dingo, Keifer Sutherland, Will Ferrell, Ricky Gervais, Bear Grylls, Dwayne Wade, Bob Barker, Brad Pitt, Johnny Knoxville & Ryan Dunn, Russell Crowe, Ozzie Guillen, Bill Simmons, Colin Farrell, Julianne Moore, Matt Damon, Val Kilmer, Patton Oswalt, Bo Jackson, the other 4 members of 311, John McCain, Tom Brady, Charlie Huston, Clint Eastwood, T-Pain & Lil Wayne, Charlie Kaufman, Dennis Lehane, Christopher Nolan, the It's Always Sunny cast, Andy Samberg, Darren Aronofsky