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I am here for Friends

About Me

g0d-fEaRing.. w0man-chiLd.. ref0rmed bRat.. oNe kiNd s0uL.. wiTty.. saSsy.. gurL with a miLLion w0rds aNd viVid imaginati0n! orgaNized craMmer.. cheErfuL pers0n.. tEarjeRky, but laUghs at anYthing.. a stuDent liVing a liFe of buM.. martyr.. loV . easy to talk 2,friendly and so culit.... Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com es to0 muCh.. bLah.. bLah.. bLah.. :)

My Interests

sp0rts(s0ccer nd swiMming), reaDing n0veLs, net suRfing, cHatTing, eaTing ch0c0lates, c0oking nd baKing, g0ing ouT wiTh fRieNds, maLL stRoLLing nd sh0pPing(i c0nfesSed im a sh0pah0Lic peRs0n), watcHing m0viEs.. anYtHing daT is n0t b0riNg.. :)

I'd like to meet:

s0me0ne hu's swEet, caRing nd l0ving.. seNsibLe pipoL.. s0mebody hu has a gReat seNse of hum0r.. h0nest.. s0mebody hu reaLLy l0ves sp0rts nd has a cuTe eYes nd chaRming smiLe :)


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muLan nd fiNding nem0 (im stiL chiLd at heaRt), anY h0rRor m0viE, a waLk t0 reMemBer, pRinCesS diaRy, dRaMa qUeEn, crueL inTenti0n, matRix, seRenDipiTy, sCaRy m0viE 1-2-3, r0ad tRip...


hb0, haLLmaRk, cineMax, nati0naL ge0graphic, disc0very chaNneL, sTar worLd, cart0on netw0rk, mtv, myx, hoLLyw0od, cineMa 1, abs nd gma.. :)


anY tRue st0ry nd fiCti0n n0veL, tHe aRt of waR, chicKen s0up, j0hn maxweLL's b0oks..


mY paRents.. :)