I'm a morning person. A.k.a. if you see me in the morning I might be a completely different person than I would be later in the day.Change. People constantly change. Describing people is hard. Describing yourself is harder. You are the one and only person in the world that knows everything about you, but you don't fully understand yourself. This is because you have been with yourself your whole life, you don't notice the change like others will. This is what your best friends are for. They are the ones that understand you and still love you. They are the ones that know your in trouble and come to help. They are the ones that know you are hurt and bring a first-aid kit. They are the ones that see you changing and stick with you through it. They are the ones that know you want to change and help you do it. They are the ones that know you want to do something stupid and persuade you to stop. Your best friends are the ones you want to keep with you forever. This is what I strive to be. The best friend in the lives of the people that I love the most.
Brandi --
Sexually stunning
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com
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