Little Fucking
I'm Shannon and I'm Seventeen
My BIrthdays October 4th
I'm a Junior at Coughlin
..thats all i'm asking.
Humor Is the way to My Heart.
I'm Single by Choise
and Plan to stay that way until
I meet someone who Finally Prooves
to me That All guys arnt Goofs.=)
I Love Funny People!
Life Would be Boring with Out Them If you Dont like me, Then Fuck you.
Thats just how I Roll.
and I love My Friends More than Anything
I'd be so Lost with out Them
From past Events..
I learned i cant..
and I Dont Trust Anyone.
Peopple could say all they want..
but i wont belive it until i see it.
I Hate Assholes , Liars , Cheaters , &&& Mr. Perfects.
I really Dont Respect when
People talk like they know
Everything about Me.
Esp. when i Know they Dont.
and By the way.. Dont talk
about me PERIOD. because i will find out
and confront you and the situation.
I'm not the same person i was 2 years ago.
I grew up and Learned alot.
I dont like change .. it sucks.
I've had the Same Best friend Since i was 5
She's actually pretty much
my Sister more than anything else
If i Hate you , You Should feel Ashamed.
Because i dont Hate Anyone.
I have a Good Memory
but forgetting is sometimes easier
I forgive WAY to easily.
I'm a second and third chance kinda person.
Some people say i Dont dress
To nice this year.
But "they" Aint got nothin on Me =P
Half of my life Is Spent acting like a Goof Ball
..But i Love it =P
The other halfs Spent trying to put my life togeather.
I over Analyze everythingg!
Which explains why i'm a worry wort.
I go with the flow , whats ment to happen , will happen.
I cant change the past , so i just focus on making my future better.
I've made mistakes , but who hasn't?
Karma DOES exist.
Parties are Fun , But i dont like doing it every night.
I love listening to music and relateing it to myself
It helps time pass
Oh yeah! I have a Job!
..At Subway. Come See Me =)
I say Friggin WAY WAY WAY to muchhhhh =)
I Love Chattttting
So Talk To ME!
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