~*` ¥åî§hålÿ `*~ profile picture

~*` ¥åî§hålÿ `*~

~* Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. ♥ *~

About Me

Sun Sign: Aquarius
Sun 13° Aquarius 24' Aquarius Horoscope
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Moon Sign: Aries
Moon 9° Aries 29' Aries Horoscope
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Rising Sign: Gemini
Ascendant 29° Gemini 47' Gemini Horoscope
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~* Cute Little Me *~
~* I'm an angel when i wanna be! *~
Get free graphics at BlingyBlob.com!
~*The BeSt PlAcE in the WoRlD, mi querido PuErTo RiCo!!!*~
~* The Things I Could Never Live Without *~
~* ♥ My PeTs ♥ *~
~*Meet my Chocobo, Kaze! He's the best Chocobo in all of the Final Fantasy worlds!!! I'm sooo happy!!! =D!!!*~
Click here to get your own Chocobo!

blog Layouts

~*These are things i ♥!*~
~* FaMiLy GuY *~
Guy on Airplane: Oh great, I always end up sitting next to a damn baby.
Stewie: What did you just say?
Lois: Stewie, stop fussing.
Stewie: Pipe down Lois. (Slaps guy on head.) Hey big man, turn around. Oh
you can't hear me now. I was going to watch the movie, but forget it.
For the next 5 hours, you're my bitch.
TELEVISION ANNOUNCER: We now return to the Smurfs...
(on television screen)
Smurf ..1: Hey, did you have a good time last night?
Smurf ..2: Smurf-tacular!
Smurf ..1: Yeah, I saw you leave with Smurfette.
Smurf ..2: Oh man, as soon as we got out of the bar, she started smurfing me.
Smurf ..1: Shut the Smurf up!
Smurf ..2: Yeah!
Smurf ..1: Right in the Smurfing parking lot?
Smurf ..2: Smurf-Yeah!
Smurf ..1: Oh! That is freaking Smurf!
~* I ♥ HaPpY bUnNy *~

blog Layouts

~* I ♥ HeLlO kItTy *~

blog Layouts

~* I ♥ CuTe KiTtIeS iN gEnErAl, LiKe ChOcOcAt *~

blog layout

~* DiSneY *~

blog Layouts

~* I'm a DiSnEy PrInCeSs *~
~* JaSmInE *~
~* SpOnGeBoB *~
~* PoWeR PuFf GiRlS *~
~* BuGs BuNnY *~
~* SoUtH pArK *~
~* NiNjA tUrTlEs *~

blog Layouts

~*These are some quizzes that describe me!* ~

You're a beautiful girl, who has her own style.
Your stunning dark hair and dark/tanned skin,
makes you stand out from the crowd. You should
take pride in your appearence and make the most
of it!
r u beautiful? - girls
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You are a Samurai. Always up for a challenge and
never a subtle creature, you are predictable
and unafraid of death - it is an honor for
you. You never back down, and you know that to
be a Samurai is to serve. You are obediant and
disciplined - the pinnacle of perfection in
your art.
- What kind of Warrior are you? -
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You are wind...you are a happy person.Yo tend to be
very friendly and popular with people.You enjoy
life to the fullest.
What element are you!(w/ pics)
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Your element is Wind. You are the guy/girl that is
unpredictable. No one knows what you're going
to do next and what you're in the mood for.
Studying is not your thing and you would rather
go to a party than stay home. Life is just for
fun and you need to be free to live according
to you. You waste no time on lies, if you feel
or think one thing you say it even if it hurts.
Of course, people may be quite upset but that
doesn't really bother you. It's not that you
don't care, because you do, but in these
situations it's a waste of time. You live up in
the clouds and are quite a dreamer about life.
People often consider you beautiful, but harsh
and they would think twice before getting to
know you. But once they do, they'll learn that
you are always willing to take yourself and
your friends on adventures. Never will it be a
boring time with you and your friends
appreciate that. You are not often seen sad,
but you have your times. If someone has been
mean to you, you can quite easily trash-talk
them for betraying you. Nevertheless, you are
most of the time a good spirit who just want to
have some fun. Rate and message!
What is your element? [with pics + detailed answeres]
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What Greek Goddess Are You?
You are Selene the moon goddess!
Take this quiz !
What Disney Beauty Are You?
Meg-You know how to make a guy want you! You can use what you have to really make people notice you. Your confidence attracts people and causes others to want to be near you. You manage to find loyal people and have caring relationships.
Take this quiz !
Zola - Life (Greek)

Colour - Blue
Element - Water
Emotion - Freedom
- Sapphire
Weather - Blue Skies
- Dolphin
Which Unusual Name Suits You?
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Which Japanese name suits you right? (5 outcomes and cute anime pictures)GIRLS ONLY
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You are the "I hate you so bad" happy
bunny. You hate everyone and eveything and your
not ashamed of it.
which happy bunny are you?
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You like to do mean things to people. Even if it is
only a mind game. You asshole. Heh but I must
admit it is fun messing with people.
What Happy Bunny Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

My Interests

ANIME!!!! luvvvvvv that anime, especially Rurouni Kenshin!!!! it's my fave anime of all time. it should get millions of awards!!!!! you see the pretty picture of the angel in the back? that's Kenshin, MY angel. liking anime, makes me an artist of course. i draw and write a manga of my very own, and i hope it makes it out there somewhere. if it happened in Japan, that would kick a hell of a lot of ass dude. yes, i'm obessesed with Japan... anyone can tell you that :P. i also love music. it's my life, and i could never live without it, really. my favorite artist is Bi/Rain, and he's the most talented mofo out there in the industry right now. my fave band of course, the Backstreet Boys!!! i know there's a bunch of BSB haters out there, but y'all have nuthing on 'em!!! i looooove them. i love dancing and singing too. i won 1st place in the talent show for my senior year, and i must say, i kicked some great ass. lol. i love performing!!! another love of mine, is KARATE. WAAAA YAAAHHH!!!! i'll kick your ass for free if you ask me to. LOL. j/k!!!! i'm a black belt, just so y'all know, and i seriously don't get in fights unless i'm required to. i'm not allowed to anyway... my sensei would get very angry with me!!! DISHONOR!!!! lol. let's see, what else... i love watching the WWE. been watching it since i remember!!! even my grandma watches it... we just like to see ppl getting hurt in this family. lol. i like reading too, just not as much as i used to when i was little. ANYWAYZ, i also love soccer!!! real madrid is my favorite team, and david beckham, of course, my fave player!!!

I'd like to meet:

all my old friends from skool!!! i miss all of y'all soooo much!!!! i wanna know how each and everyone is doing. i wouldn't mind meeting some cute guys or nice girls either... everyone is welcome as long as they don't freak me out or leave disgusting comments...

~*♥ The Boyfriend ♥*~

~* The Best Friends Anyone Could Ask For *~
I have 190 incredible buddies!

~* Checkout My Peeps *~


aaaany type is kewl with me man!!! my favorite artist is of course, Jung Ji Hoon, a.k.a. Rain!!! that boy has some ridiculous skills when it comes to singing and dancing!!! he's been called everything from Asia's Usher and the New Justin Timberlake. he is an amazing musician, not to mention an amazing actor as well!!! if you don't know of his music, stop by my page and listen up!! i always have one of his songs up, and usually his most recent releases. everyone should really check out his music. it's so good!! he's gonna be big here soon, just you wait =D. my fave band is the Backstreet Boys tho!!! Howie, Kevin, AJ, Bryan, and Nick!!!! ask me anything about them, i know it all. lol. so pop is my ..1 i guess... followed by R&B... then J-Pop... and then Rap... mainstream... punk rock... and everything else that comes along...! J-Pop, for those of you that are oblivious to its greatness, is Japanese pop music!!! some of the best groups out there are T.M. Revolution and Puffy Ami Yumi. i love them sooo much!!!! my collection of CD's ranges from the soundtrack of the first Pokemon movie to Eminem... i know i'm weird ok??!!!!

..:: Singer-Songwriter ::..
cool. you get to be the band member that stands
out, the one that does most interviews, the one
everyone is most likely to remember. but aside
all the fame, you have a very important role:
to be creative and write some kick-ass songs!
Don't worry if your voice isn't perfect, think
of it as original. have fun! ;)

What's your possible role in a band?
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Stupid old movies like Hot Shots and Naked Weapon... Sleepy Hollow... POC & POC 2... Napoleon Dynamite... Then there's Mulan... and all of those great Disney classics! don't laugh at me u punk!!!! let's see... Romeo Must Die, Rush Hour, The King and I, Grease, Footloose, The Wedding Planner, School of Rock, Ace Ventura 1 & 2... STAR WARS, ALL OF 'EM!!!!! i'm a Star Wars freak! and every Bruce Lee movie ever made. ;)

You are Napoleon Dyanamite and a buttload of gangs
are trying to recruit you.

Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you?
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Han Solo

What Star Wars character are you?
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Kenshin is the man for you. He's gentle and kind,
and he'll even do your laundry!
(Girls) Which Rurouni Kenshin guy is for you?
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Who would you date on Houshin Engi? (for girls)(unfinished)
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Your Man is Squall! An unemotional slob! But damn,
is he hot! And that's all you care
Which Final Fantasy VIII Guy are You Compatible With?
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Your boyfriend is Inuyasha! At first Inuyasha
appears to be stubborn and rude, but once you
break through his exterior he's extremely sweet
and loving. He's very devoted, and very
protective. You love that if you were in
trouble, he'd take a wound for you! I LOVE
Who's your boyfriend from Inuyasha?
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01- Heero Yuy. Also known as Kamikazi Kitten,
Destructo Boy, and Spandex Boy. Most noted for
his favored black spandex shorts and loose tank
worn throughout the series. Not very open but
a softie nontheless, Heero is hard to get close
to. To those that succeed, however, the prize
is well worth the work it takes to find.
Who's Your Gundam Wing Boyfriend?
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Aye carumba! You are Bart! A.K.A. El Barto. You are
the trouble maker, who's always working to
create chaos for authorities, but hardly
working at anything else. You do have you brief
flashes of cleverness. Remember the snakes and
the speakers on Whacking Day? But mostly could
care less about school. You are the ultimate
under achiever! You are definetly not afraid of
danger, having once almost jumped over
Springfield Gorge, and crave attention. Now if
only Krusty could remember you name after all
you have done for your hero.
Who are you on "The Simpsons"? (Has pics)
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Which Family Guy Character Are you?
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~* Summer Roberts*~
Summer Roberts, The Best Friend. You are Marissa's
best friend and the ultimate Newport Beach
party girl. Exuding brash self-confidence and a
sly sexuality, you always speak your mind,
always get what you want, and never have any
regrets. You are concieded, narcissistic, and
generally mean. You can blame society for those
flaws, but deep inside you are a faithful
friend and you would do anything for your
Which Character from The OC are you?
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~*Seth Cohen*~
You belong with Seth!- He is totally hilarious..
but known as a loser. He does love those comic
books and video games. And although he is a geek, he
is definetely very gorgeous.
Which guy from the OC do you belong with?
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True Legolas fan *sigh* finally someone who
appreciates the real book Legolas and not the
actor that plays him.You are truely a fan :)

Are you really obsessed with Legolas or are you just an Orli fan??!!l
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Which Harry Potter Character are you?
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Himura Kenshin: You're very polite and thoughtful,
and are a good person to talk to. You will
defend your friends when necessary, but for
some reason you don't see much worth in
yourself, and are constantly putting yourself
down in your private thoughts while keeping up
an optimistic attitude around your friends.
Which Rurouni Kenshin Character Are You?
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Your Taikoubou Shinjin! You are very layed back and
love to fish with a needle and string(even
though you know you won't catch anyhthing), a
technique your bestfriend taught you.
Which Houshin Engi Character are You?
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You are Tifa Lockhart. You're cheery and loving but
very shy and mature, and also is into Karate.
You're nature suits you perfectly, but people
are blind to see that on first impressions. But
it's not your fault, and you honestly don't
care what they think of you. You can be a bit
bossy but it's nothing serious. You can never
forgive somebody who's hurt you so much, and
you are very loyal to your friends.
What Final Fantasy 7 Character Are You?
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Wow, you're a Squall. I don't think ive ever met a
Squall before. You may seem quiet and boring
but really have a tortured soul. You'd be a
grear character in those heartbreaking romance
novels. too bad you'd probably die in the end.
Which of the Final Fantasy 8 charatcers are you most like?
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You are Steiner! Loyal. You have one duty in life and you will stay
true to that at all costs. Protecting people
is your desire and your reason for living.
Which Final Fantasy IX Character Are You?
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You are Tidus. Wo0t.
Which Final Fantasy X Character Are You?
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Which Final Fantasy X-2 character are you?
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You are a Thief!!! Thieves like to get even! You
don't like to sit on the sidelines when someone
hurts you. You step in and kick thier butts or
think of it really hard. You are nice when it
comes to your friends and don't like to hurt
them (unless they hurt you).
What Final Fantasy X-2 Dresssphere Most Relates To Your Attitude?
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You are the Songstress! You are the most Talented and gracefull one. You
probally like to Sing or do Arts. Your very
open-minded and willing to just about give out
any Advice when asked. I bet you even smile to
strangers! You lighten everyones day.
What is your FFX-2 Dressphere?
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You are Shiva! You may not be one for comradery,
but you get the job done with icy precision.
Beware of the Diamond Dust!
What Final Fantasy summon are you?
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Kou Seiya - You're the goofy, fun type, but you
have a serious side. You only show it to
people you trust, and there aren't many of
them. To everyone else, you're the fun guy.
Which is still cool. =)
Which Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon StarS character are you?
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You are most like Sailor Uranus. You are tough and
ready to fight. You take stuff seriously. You
are competitive. You may need to warm up to
the people around you.
Which Sailor Moon senshi are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
You're Sango! You are like a coconut. Very hard,
tough (and even scary). But after the shell is
removed, you are soft gentle and sweet (even
shy). You're amazing in the things you devote
yourself to. Though sometimes, your fiery
attitude gets in the way of your personal life.
WhIcH InUyAsHa ChArAcTeR ArE YoU????
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You are Maron Kusakabe!
You seem strong and brave, but inside, you are a
lonely person who was left by her parents. You
are the reincarnation of Jeanne d'Arc, and can
transform into Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne to save
humanity from Demons. Your friends like you a
lot, and even if everything goes wrong, you
always manage to find a way to solve your
problems. Checkmate!
What Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne Character Are You?
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Alex - You're a loyal person. Bravery also comes to
mind probably when people think of you, and you
remain humble all of the while. Just make sure
that your dreaming highly doesn't get the best
of you. Make those dreams reality and you will
go far. You may be a bit forgetful when it
comes to the trivial things, but you're always
good about remembering what counts. Also... if
you and your significant other break up, don't
kill yourself, k? =D
What Character from Lunar 1 and 2 are you?
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You are Rogue! You are sexy and strong willed, and able to take on
just about anyone. You long for a serious
relationship, but whenever you begin to get
close to someone things always seem to take
turns for the worse. But you have dealt with
this lack of closeness with an almost constant
flirtacious behavior. You are best known for your southern comfort, you hard beauty! Large in personality you have a great devotion to the things close to you,but not too close. Sometimes you feel all alone in the world. funny how the strongest one always do.
Which X-Men character are you most like?
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You are The Rock
Which WWE Wrestler are you?
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My Blog

~* Nightmares *~

it's very interesting that Steffie just posted a blog about death, because i was gonna write this disturbing blog anyway about how scary it is to think of a loved one's death... and right now, myspace...
Posted by ~*` ¥åî§hålÿ `*~ on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 11:55:00 PST

~* Six Months!!! *~

So, yesterday officially marked half a year for me and my baby!!  YAAAYY!!!!  I'm so excited!!!  We're very much in love, and we're very happy to be together!!  I can honestly say ...
Posted by ~*` ¥åî§hålÿ `*~ on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 11:07:00 PST

~* A Poem *~

Everyday, I stir the ghosts of the past. I do not know why they're after me. Perhaps because the past makes both the present and the future? What did I do to send them haunting me? Is it me they are a...
Posted by ~*` ¥åî§hålÿ `*~ on Wed, 02 May 2007 01:48:00 PST

~* You know what sucks?? *~

When myspace puts up new features that don't work. I was excited about the new albums feature they put up... then I realized... it's crap. "why?" you ask? OH, I'LL TELL YOU. 1.  You can only upl...
Posted by ~*` ¥åî§hålÿ `*~ on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 09:49:00 PST

~* Here's a story... *~

i just wrote a beautiful story for this blog; the most beautiful story i've ever written... and i erased it by accident.  i tried undoing it.  i tried pushing the back button.  i can't ...
Posted by ~*` ¥åî§hålÿ `*~ on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 09:42:00 PST

~* Mrs. Stefanie Nickerson-Haynes *~

ok... so this is my first blog in something like 6 months people... OMG... what a terrible myspace member i am!!!  i don't deserve to live!! haha.  no... so many things have happened... i do...
Posted by ~*` ¥åî§hålÿ `*~ on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 03:26:00 PST


you broke my heart.  how could you do this to me after six months.  all the tears i've cried over you.  and now... tears that i cry over you that you do not deserve.  i think it's ...
Posted by ~*` ¥åî§hålÿ `*~ on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 01:39:00 PST


Posted by ~*` ¥åî§hålÿ `*~ on Fri, 17 Mar 2006 04:06:00 PST

~* Guess Who's Back... *~

...back AGAIN ... SHALY'S back ... tell ALL of your friends . hahaha. niiiiiice!!! so i have finally taken responsibility over my blog again! YAY !!! haha.  it's been sooo loooong... last time i ...
Posted by ~*` ¥åî§hålÿ `*~ on Mon, 09 Jan 2006 10:38:00 PST

~* cRaPpErS *~

not only do i write you poems... !!!  i had to go and draw you too !!!  why can't i get you OFF MY HEAD ?!??!?!?! God... i think i hate you so much, that i might actually love you .  w...
Posted by ~*` ¥åî§hålÿ `*~ on Thu, 24 Nov 2005 01:39:00 PST