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About Me

ok what the hell do i write about myself don't really have must to say anymore but i guess i can try to fill you in on some things. well i'm from the Hill Top A.K.A Richmond Hill 109 and jamaica ave was my stompping ground for many yrs and made some great friends that i still have to this day you the kind of people you'd kill for..you all know who you are, Jay thank you for being my best friend, amber for keep my feet on the ground, foley for always picking me up when i fall, dave for always saying something stupid and making me laugh when i was crying, Pam for being understanding after all i did being friends since first grade payed off.lol,and margie thanks for being my friend and helping me with some great advice i love you and hope are friendship keeps growing, mario thanking you for paving my life out and making me who i am today 17 yrs of friendship and many yrs of teaching me that life is what you make of it not what it make's of you, hope you come home soon..i guess you can say if it wasn't for you i wouldn't have what i have today and that is a loving husband frank i love you and two wondeful kids katelyn(14) and Savannah(1) who are my world and are what make me get up everyday.
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My Interests

I am a New YorkerI am a New Yorker I may no longer live in the five boroughs or on the Island or upstate I may now live just over the GW bridge but I am a New yorkerI am a New Yorker whatever took me out of New York: Business, family or hating the cold did not take new york out of me My accent may have faded and my pace may have slowed but I am a new yorkerI am a New yorker i was raised on Macy's thanksgiving day prade and rockefeller plaza, The yankees or the Mets Jones beach or rye or one of the beaches on the sound i know that the end; means montauk. because I am a New YorkerI am a New Yorker when i go on vacation, i never look up skyscapers are something i have taken for granted the empire state building and the statue of liberty are part of me taxis and noise and subways and get outa heah; don't rattle me because i am a new yorkerI am a New Yorker i was raised on cultural diversity before it was politically correct i eat greek food and Italian, Jewish and middle eastern food and chinese food because they are all american to me.i don't get mad when people speak other languages in my presence because my relatives got to this country Via Ellis Island and chose to stay they were New YorkersI am a New Yorker Poeple who have never been to new york have misunderstood me my friends and family work in the industries, professions and businesses that benefit all americans my firefighters died trying to save americans and non-americans because they were New YorkersI am a New Yorker i feel the pain of my fellow new yorkers i mourn the loss of my beauitful city i feel and dread that new york will never be the same but then i remember: I am a new yorkerand new yorkers have: tenacity, strength, and courage way above the norm compassion and caring for our fellow citizens love and pride in our city, in our state, in our country Intelligence, experience and education par excellence ability, dedication and energy above and beyond faith--no matter what religion we practiceTerrorist hit America in its heart but America's heart still beats strong demolish the steel in our building, but it doesn't touch the steel in our souls hit us in the pocketbook; but we'll parlay what we have left into a fortune end innocent lived leaving widows and orphans but we'll take care of them because they are New Yorkerswhereever we live, whatever we do, whoever we are there are new yorkers in every state and every city of this nationwe will not abandon our city we will not abandon our brothers and sisters we will not abandon the beauty, creativity and diversity that new york represents because we are New yorkers and we are proud to be New YorkersAuthor- unknown9-11 Forever Remembered

I'd like to meet:

Frank Love's Stacey


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