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ATTENTION CRHS STUDENTS AND ADMINISTRATORS..PLEASE READ .There is this thing right. I believe it is called privacy. Rumors are spreading quickly around the school, and personally..i think it is wrong from what i am hearing, and this is exactly why i am writing this ( protect me and all others). So the administrators at CRHS are looking at students myspaces..just randomly going through them (snooping) to try to find inappropriate/slanderous content or trying to protect us. I can understand looking at myspaces of people who get on during school- but those not? that should not happen..esp. the suspensions for them. And what i think is even more wrong is sending out a letter to the parents. Okay, once again: i think..send out a letter to the parents if the student is getting on during school hours, but not sending a letter to the parents if their student is not getting on during school- that is wrong. What a student does outside of school is their buisness-not the schools and they shouldnt have to protect us from any harmful people. Like, on myspace- if we have a friend..we know the person- you can deny/accept a friend- so its not like so freaky 40 yr. old peda-file is harrassing us. CRHS admin. just needs to get off our cases about what we do outside of school and stop turning this school into a dictatorship- and they always wonder why so many people leave after freshman year..i wonder why.? And..technically Ritter can get into a lot of trouble..i checked this out b/c i feel so strongly about this issue.
At a private school, we dont have all of the same rights as at public schools. But we have First Amendment rights, but those rights only protect us from government censorship, not private censorship. As a general matter, we will receive no protection from censorship or punishment by a private school or college. In the Ubriaco v. Albertus Magnus High School (No.99 Civ. 11135, July 21, 2000) a case was brought to court over expulsion from school for content on a personal website- the case was dissmissed. However, as discussed below, some states provide private high school and college students with additional speech protections that go above and beyond the First Amendment. Also keep in mind that even though our private school may have the right to enforce a stupid rule, that doesn't make it any less stupid. So, if our private school is going overboard in trying to squelch online speech, WE CAN AND WILL CONTACT EFF(electronic frontier foundation)Depending on the facts, they may be able to help us publicize the problem and hopefully convince our school to be more reasonable (slim chance)
In Flaherty v. Keystone Oaks School Dist., ( Pa. 2003) a federal court found a school's policy, which prohibited "inappropriate, harassing, offensive or abusive" behavior, was unconstitutional because "the policy could be (and is) read by school officials to cover speech that occurs off school premises and that is not related to any school activity in an arbitrary manner." This relates to our problem because the content on our pages is accessed off school grounds, therefore OUR BUISNESS!
If we get punished for our pages WE WILL TAKE ACTION-LEGAL ACTION... WHICH INCLUDES FINES AND OTHER PROBLEMS. In court they can evaluate school punishments using a "material disruption test" for off-campus web sites, and have found (USUALLY) these punishments to be unconstitutional. In fact, some students who have been punished for their personal web sites have been able to get their school records cleared and obtain CASH SETTLEMENTS from their schools in exchange for dropping or not bringing a lawsuit. For example, Oceanport School District school administrators in New Jersey punished an eighth grader for his website that was critical of the school, and ended up having to pay him $117,500 to settle his First Amendment lawsuit. Most schools, when faced with the threat of a suit for a clearly unconstitutional punishment, will back down and clear your record.You ruined xanga, you wont ruin myspace. And you can't search us anything. phones=parents property cars=parents property Search our cars, and purses, lockers for phones..i dare you, lets see what will happen then©
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