Caleb. Yes, Caleb. profile picture

Caleb. Yes, Caleb.

Somebody somewhere is shaking with excitement because something tremendous is about to happen to thi

About Me

Every time I try to create an about me, whatever I write I immediately erase. I think what I have written is boring and doesn't really describe me in any real sense. How are you supposed to describe yourself in some manageable few paragraphs?
In modern web design the thumbnail has changed. 10 years ago you resized a picture to fit your needs and called it quits. Today you're taught that it is better to clip and resize until the thumbnail is portraying an indicative section of the art. Focus on the details, so that the whole does not become obscured. Here then, is a thumbnail of me:
    You will, without a doubt, get me wrong at first. If I seem busy, I am. I'm not faking it like most people. If I seem busy, but still make time for you, its because whatever or whoever you are is more important than my own successes. Where I grew up in is neither interesting nor important, but it makes up part of who I am. What I do is neither interesting nor important, nor does it make up who I am. It's just what I do.
And here's some contact hookup. There are all kinds of others, but start here:
    AOL: thedthawk Yahoo: schyl

My Interests

Delta Tau (here's where you go "oh, frat boy" and where I tell you you're no better than any other prejudiced asshole)
Myspace? (not really)
Writing (on occasion)
Coding (rarely outside of work though)
Cooking (I'll cook for you if you ask)
Golf (always down for a round on the weekends)
Bowling (no good locations on the central coast) Reading (time permitting)

I'd like to meet:

Screw it let's just be honest about this. I don't want to meet everyone, that would take way too long. So let's cut out all the jackasses, valley girls, tools, bitches, sluts, meatheads, anyone in a cult-like music clique, anyone who cannot read, nazis, and the french. So the 20 to 30 people left over, feel free to walk up to me randomly on the street and introduce yourself. But you'll have to prove you aren't french...

Music: thedthawk


Send me a message and I'll tell you a movie you haven't seen that will make you feel whatever emotion you're chasing.


This moment?:

    Weeds Californication
Seriously, thats about it. Not much TV. Baseball...GIANTS.


Too many to name. If you cant sleep at night without knowing the authors and books that make me tick, just talk to me or drop a message.


No heroes. Everyone before me, bastards.
Riiiiight. But seriously I don't know.

My Blog

The One Reason To Start Investing In Companies Offering Plumbing Related Products And Services

Taco Bell's Featured Item: Chili Cheese Nachos Bellgrande
Posted by Caleb. Yes, Caleb. on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 10:22:00 PST

Stereotypes Were Meant To Be Perpetuated

I don't tend to blog so whimsically, but I couldn't resist.On my way to work I got to thinking about car accidents and who is typically involved. (In fact, as I'm sitting in class writing this and lo...
Posted by Caleb. Yes, Caleb. on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 12:09:00 PST

Meet the Players: JG

It's day 45 of the roomless adventure and the end of day 7 in what will be no less than 11 straight full days of work. I'm completely fine with one of those things. Work provides the kind of stress ...
Posted by Caleb. Yes, Caleb. on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 02:05:00 PST

Alumni: Good Luck And Fuck Yourselves

For those of you living with Internet blinders on, back in 2002 this crazy cat named Maddox attempted to book a flight using Orbitz, was subsequently screwed, and this whole mess ensued.  The tit...
Posted by Caleb. Yes, Caleb. on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 09:52:00 PST


Ok, so obviously I haven't had time to write in the last few months.  Well actually, the truth is, I haven't had a huge school project to work on to cause me to procrastinate to cause me to think...
Posted by Caleb. Yes, Caleb. on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 10:26:00 PST

What I've Learned This Quarter

(This and the last blog were meant to be shorter and combined, but they got long enough and I figured a few months absence from posting should be countered with two rapid-fire entries.)   &...
Posted by Caleb. Yes, Caleb. on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 05:35:00 PST

Independent and Sexy

    All too often when browsing MySpace profiles you will see women describe themselves as "independent."  The overused and poorly defined word "sexy" is commonly attached to creat...
Posted by Caleb. Yes, Caleb. on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 05:30:00 PST

Infinity & Back Dimples

    I am going to borrow a page from the other teams playbook for just a second.  Most evolutionists attempt to explain the spontaneous creation of the first life form, usually a ...
Posted by Caleb. Yes, Caleb. on Mon, 14 Nov 2005 02:18:00 PST

A Laundry List

    Allow me to get angry for a few minutes.  I just have a few things to complain about.  There is a good chance you will fit at least one description here, so try not to get sore about things. The...
Posted by Caleb. Yes, Caleb. on Mon, 29 Aug 2005 01:32:00 PST

"I Like It When He Ignores Me" & Conclusive Remarks

    The topics covered in the previous three blogs have been concerning relationships that are already under way.  The last sinful attraction I wish to discuss takes place befo...
Posted by Caleb. Yes, Caleb. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST