Aphrodite[♥Lempo] profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

My name is Marlaina.
Im 16 years old.
I have an Awesome boyfriend, Nick.
I have amazing best friends.
Megan is my best friend. And I love her to death!
Thats just to list a few initials.
I love them to death.
Im a dancer and can dance to almost anything.
I play WoW
I have a strange hXc obsession with zombies.
No. Its not a fetish.
I love animals.
Im a musician.
Instrument of choice: Trumpet.
I love Breaking stereotypes.
I have AIM.
If I like you, I'll give it to you.
I can be a major bitch.
Please try not to get on my bad side.
Im loud, obnoxious, and im proud of it!
A mother of 2♥
And Lisa[Guard]
Proud to be their mother.
Lisa has been my daughter since the beginning of this Outdoor season. She had been my best friend since like 8th grade and shes amazing. She has kids too now and I love them all to death. Spin your heart out baby!
High School Activities that im in
Marching Band
Jazz Band
Brass Nontet
Concert Band
Science Club
Adagio Dance Ensemble
RE 1 .
RE 2.
RE 3.
RE 4.
Marching band.
The color green.
Kissing in the snow.
Holding on forever.
Things that go 'Schwooooooo'.
Car alarms.
Shiny things.
Good grammar.
When your heart beats really fast.
"The Man Penis"-Kati.
The Mall.
Peach rings.
Photo booths.
The 'Glug pop fizz sdkfhsa' sound of that soda thing giving you your dollar back along with a drink.
The 'Scchhhhplop' you get when opening that victory soda.
The fizzies from that victory soda that always find themselfs fizzing into your nose.
Dancing like a fool.
[x]Bad timbre.
[x]The good guy.
[x]My mother.
[xx]Bad grammar.
[x]Books with happy endings.
[x]When the soda thing takes your money.
[x]When myspace is doing its "check-ups".
[xxxxxx]When you pay for photobooth pictures, take the pictures, Then your told its out of film and you DONT get your money back.
Favorite Girls
Laura "Rawlraw!?"
Favorite Guys
Phil =P

My Interests

ex. Modern, Ballet
Color Guard.
One Acts.

I'd like to meet:

♥More video gamers
♥Dominic Monoghan
♥Trumpet players.
♥Dane Cook.
♥The guy on the pringles can.

My favorite quote
You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you. In company with our brave Allies and brothers-in-arms on other Fronts, you will bring about the destruction of the German war machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of Europe, and security for ourselves in a free world.Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle hardened. He will fight savagely.But this is the year 1944! Much has happened since the Nazi triumphs of 1940-41. The United Nations have inflicted upon the Germans great defeats, in open battle, man-to-man. Our air offensive has seriously reduced their strength in the air and their capacity to wage war on the ground. Our Home Fronts have given us an overwhelming superiority in weapons and munitions of war, and placed at our disposal great reserves of trained fighting men. The tide has turned! The free men of the world are marching together to Victory!I have full confidence in your courage and devotion to duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full Victory!Good luck! And let us beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.








Harry Potter

Lord of the Rings

Of Mice and Men



Pirates of the Carribean

Shawn of the Dead

Employee of the Month

Blades of Glory


Ghost Hunters

Most Haunted

Thats about it.


In Paul the Amazing friends's POV:
OK my hero is Marlaina Katelynd Reilly. I don't know what i would do with out her. She is my life,inspiration,and soul.She makes me feel so blissful that words can't help me describe.We have been talking about likeing each other and going out for awhile now and i want to make this a reality. so im asking her out right now. so Marlaina Katelynd Reilly will you go out with me? You make me so happy that i just can't help but hide it any more. I love you and you are my Hero no matter what the response. -paul.
In Jackie the beautiful's POV
My best friend (Marli) to me is a completely amazing person who can always make you smile even when you dont want to. I know there were times when all i wanted to do was cry and not want to do anything else. She listened to me and made me smile. Knowing i have her as a best friend makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. I dont know what this is for and even if its in my point of view. I love my best friend. There isnt much else because loving my best friends sums it all up. She is a wonderful person to be friends with. She is a band geek like me and also spins in colorguard. We have so much in common and it makes everything better knowing you have a best friend going through the same countless hours of the same thing, even if it is with different marching units and colorguards.
In Kati the Ginguh's POV
Marlaina - best friend, good listener, fun to be with. all around nice person... adj: talkative, kinda annoying sometimes (
In Laura-rawrlra the great's POV
Marli ish amazinggggg!! She totally uber cool and she plays trumpet for TRITON!! She's in color guard and marching band, and all that fancy stuff. Uhh, what else. Did I mention that she is orgasmic to teh MAX-Z0RZ?!? Well, she is. If you don't believe me, just ask her yourself. And you will see. :3 But anyways, she is really cool and neat and stuffs. She makes awesome babies (just ask Nicole!!) and she's really sweet and awwwwwwww!! XD Nevermind that last part.... but, she really is neat-o and all those other adjectives that I could cram into here. So, yeah! That's Marli for yah!!
In Gefferz the Powerful's POV
Marlaina is a beautiful and great person to be around. She is full of energy and gets high on life, She is not your average person. She can dance and play music very well. She likes to have fun and is always smiling. Marlaina is very dedicated to what she starts. She is a person that you must meet at least once.
In Dennis the Bad ass's POV
Marli is a GREAT friend, on myspace and in RL. She rcomments back, talks on aim, and always smiles upon meeting! If you dont have her as a friend, your missing out! ADD ADD ADD her as soon as possible. And if you do have her on your list. Show her some love! -D3nn1sX-
In Dan the Ninja's POV
Marli = a cool chick. she's my ex, but she's still a nice person. we have some good times just chillin, talkin, gamin a tad.. and just kinda doin whatever. she knows how to make ya happy when you're down and i pwn her in Super Smash. xP but yeah... umm.. that's all i can really think of for now... um.. FRIEND HER!! xD
In Rose the gorgeous's POV
I think that Marlaina is sweet, charming, pretty, and funny ....Martha Stewart
In Vici the splendtabulous's POV
Marlaina Reilly is: wicked awesome crazy insane totally tubular fondly friendly ridiculously lovable hella amazing extremely talented
In Seanifer the brave's POV
Marlaina - Analram - A big cunt, but it is what makes her so funny. We get in fights more then me and my mother, but we always work it out. She is the person who makes me laugh on days where I don't feel like laughing. And the bitch who makes me feel worse, on days when I already am doing awful. I love her to death. Kudos to her mother for dealing with her on a daily basis.
In Karen the amazing's POV
In my point of view about Marlaina.!Marlaina is a really funny person she can always make you laugh when you feel like crap.she's a cool person to hang out with .But when i first time i met her i wanted to kill her because she was REALLY loud in gym class . but you get over that . she is a really caring about her friends .shes a really nice person and i love her for that =]
In KerriBerry Twinnypoo's POV
The point of view on My twin, okay soo you always seem to be there when I'm really upset about guard or something personal. You always seem to find a way to make my day brighter and better. You seem to always have something to tell me that'll make me smile =]. We share guard instructors and it's pretty cool.. Except the one iss SCURRRYYY. aha. And your pretty much the coolest girl in Triton Reggg High School =] andddd yourr like my twin apperantly which means your awesome!
In Dannichan in Wonderland's POV
Marli is the craziest person I've ever met, besides myself. She's a total nutcase, but she's one of the funnest people you could ever be around. She always makes me laugh, and she's the mother of my son, chairy - who is now in the garbage somewhere. She also wants to have a zombie bodyguard, and dreams of fucking my friend Dan with a handgun. ^^ But I'll never forget the best advice she ever gave me. "Danni.. if you were a tetris block.. you'd be the left L." I'll never forget those words of motivation. ;_;!! I love you Marli, don't ever stop being you :O> Haha, if you don't have Marli in your life.. your life must seriously suck. I feel bad for you people. xP Love youuu, girlie!!
In Jacob the Ub3r 1337 hax's POV
M-all trips every single friday A-mazing at killing zombies R-ox your sox at video games L-ikeable personality A-wesome at making people laugh I-nsane amount of friends N-o one can ever be as cool as her A-nd one of the greatest friends anyone could ever ask for
Tia Bowchickawahwah's POV
WEEOOO Marlaina is one of the best friends you could ever meet. So she can be crazy, bitchy, and loud, she is still one of my best friends. She that girl that will always get the party started. She’s in the Triton Marching Band and plays the trumpet, which she IS the best trumpet, and she’s in the Triton free Spirit Indoor color guard. Her and me have had so many good times. Twitch Twitch, haha having to give up boys for lent. Good lord no one will ever know how hard that was for me and her. She’s like the sister I never had in some ways. She is such an amazing girl and our friendship means a whole hell lot. I don’t kno where I would be with out her. I love you marli!!!!
In Liz the Lizzard's POV
Liz's POV of Marlaina: Marli is the most insane person that i have ever met, but i love her insanity. lol. If you ever need some1 to talk back to if some1 is driving you up the walls, Marlaina is person for that! In many words for me about her is that she is my insane, crazy, sister. This girl means alot to me. I know her and I have our littlw ways, but we're awesome like that. She plays a mean trumpet. She is so spunky when it comes to color guard. She really is hard not to forget. This girl will be in my life for the rest of my days that I live. She is my crazy, insane, spunky, sister who I love to death. Love ya marli grl.
In Bel the princess's POV
Marli is a great person. I have never actually met her in person, but every time I talk to her we have a good time. She is an amazing person, and I have been able to talk to her any time I needed to. I hope I get to meet her someday. That would be sweet!! But, until then I will just deal with it!!! haha. Love ya.Bel


Tina and BrittNAYYYYYYYYYYYY! I have known since Like....5th grade. OMG they are the best friends a girl could ask for.
Eliza you are my sister and I don't know where I would be without you. Your always there to help me and talk to me. Even though we live a few hundred miles away we are still close as hell and I can talk to you about anything. Ill always be here to support you and love you no matter what. I know its the same way with you. I love you big sister!
Sean is the coolest guy ever. Hes funny, a smartass, and a show off. I guess thats why were so alike. We get along great....cept when we dont...which is like....every other day...But thats cause were so alike. Haha I love him like a brother....WAWA!
♥ Nicollllllle! ♥
I met Nicole at school. Shes an awesome person. I own her. She makes me laugh everytime I see her and shes always wearing something crazy. Ex: Cat ears, Stickers, Fangs. I ♥ you Nicole!
Nicole your one of my best buddys and I love you for making me smile whenever I see you. From our early morning handshakes to Aunt Jemima and friends, your a great friend!
My 'Rarwala?!' Haha I love you. Im so glad I met you this year. You introduced me to Charles!!!!! Haha CHARRRRLES?! Haha fun times. We do have very very very fun times together. LIke bite fights, Ouch. And spank fights, Ouch again. Haha From bruises to hugs, were best friends. I ♥ you!

My Blog

Its time to let it all out

So I figured out alot about myself lately. I know I haven't posted a blog in a while but I figured its time to. Im finally beginning to realise who my real friends are. Now that im getting older im st...
Posted by Aphrodite[♥Lempo] on Sat, 20 Oct 2007 09:33:00 PST

Dedicated to my little sister!

I just want to dedicate this to my little sister, Alyssa!   You are so strong and you have taught me alot. Im so glad we met little sister. I love you so much! You taught me how to be strong. We ...
Posted by Aphrodite[♥Lempo] on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 06:10:00 PST

To those who care...

I actually think that love kinda sucks. Because its really hard loving someone who doesnt love you back. Thanks Little sister for putting that in your profile. Thats a great saying. It works in two ca...
Posted by Aphrodite[♥Lempo] on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 07:03:00 PST

Boyfriend survey? xD

This is my own rendition of the ever-so-popular Boyfriend survey on myspace.   Name: Age: Sex: [Best be male. No transvestites] Birthday: School: Do you smoke: Do you drink: Are you a virgin: Do ...
Posted by Aphrodite[♥Lempo] on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 01:35:00 PST

Oh jesus

Have you ever been so torn between two guys and you dont know what to do....I have >.
Posted by Aphrodite[♥Lempo] on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 06:22:00 PST


This one is for my sister. Haha Im doing Science Homework at my CPU talking to Jen a good friend of mine and Zach, Lol. She wants a new blog....Here it is Eliza. Lol. Shes a kick ass sister. &nb...
Posted by Aphrodite[♥Lempo] on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 05:47:00 PST

I Love My MISHA! (Michelle)

I love My Michelle Shes mine mine mine. I totally met her like....109 days ago.  But shes my bestest friend. Time to quote her ''and one day we should have a masquerade and tape paper rolls to ou...
Posted by Aphrodite[♥Lempo] on Sun, 14 May 2006 08:46:00 PST

Have you ever...

Have you ever bought a book and finished reading it..then get to the next one..and not have enough money to buy the 6th one....DAMN YOU LOVE HINA AND YOUR ADDICTIVE WAYS!   Thats about it. Have I...
Posted by Aphrodite[♥Lempo] on Sat, 14 Jan 2006 08:14:00 PST