Playing guitar, skating, driving long distances, pool hopping, hot tubbing, working out, baseball, del taco, going to sleep, and other various activities
new friends and other things like that.
AFI, Die Trying,Alice Cooper, NIN, Tiger Army 18 V,GC (AMC), Embrace the End, It Dies Today, a bunch of old punk, some new waves,a lil rap, country is my guilty pleasure...
Tim Burton, Disney and Tarintino movies.
Rocko's Moder Life, Ren and Stimpy, Veronica Fucking Mars!!!1 South Park, Simpsons, King of the Hill, Anything on comedy central. I'm addicted to those Mtv reality shows like Laguna Beach, I like movies way more though.
Hell's Angels, One Shot One Kill,
Benji and Joel, AFI, My dad...and coby dick
Take the quiz: "What AFI member are you? Or are you just a fan?"
Jade Puget (above)
guess who?
hahahahahahaha Let's not forget "the man"..