Theres not much to know about me. I am nineteen gonna be twenty in May. I live in Elmwood Park IL, Some crappy shithole little town right out side of Chicago. Ive been here my entire life. I havent really made any plans about my future yet i kinda always put that shit to the side, I currently work at Khols in Niles, In the "308.5" there which is being assistant CF manager.. money is money, i get to yell at people. When im not at work im either babysitting Aubrey, Sleeping, driving somewhere, or sleeping. Love is complicated.. im in love with a great guy, but im also not in love with him. Some things never change.
I have the bestest friends in the world.. cyndi love ya, Jen my little sister, everyone else too.. im not going on
(southern comfort and Corona are the shit my fav.- also the devil) Ill drink anything but vodka that shit makes me sick. Jose Cuevo isnt my friend either. i miss the old days drinking sky blue and pimp juice at ginas and passing out in the alley.
Things your probably dont know about me--- im deathly afrade of tornatos, um shots like needles not like soco, big spiders, people who walk close behide you... i have anxiety about things like fires or car acccidents, i never want to step foot in a airplane, i hate obnoxious people, smelly people, backstabbers, people who say one thing and do the other, crack addicts, slutty 13 year olds, hypocrites-- not being able to spell corectly... things like that. Things i love ♥--- Coffie, Cigerettes, purses, shoes, warm days like 75, sleeping all night, my rabbits, being bossy, mcdonalds hash browns, close friends, reality tv, umm when my cars not broken. Spending money, vanilla anything, water.. swimming, usto love volleyball, Aubrey, and the quote "CF complete".
CHEERS TO BEERS man.. lifes solution
I love making people smile, its kinda what "I do"
You can call me a bitch, i dont care..
I say what i want when it needs to be said and if you dont like it, that sucks.A GOOD FRIEND COMES AND BAILS YOU OUT OF JAIL, A GREAT FRIEND IS SITTING NEXT TO YOU SAYING "WE FUCKED UP"...
♥ I ♥ LOVE ♥ Cherry Gracia & Wadzzer i love my bunnys more than anything. There the best.
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