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About Me

the most courageous act is to still think for yourself. aloud. ++ coco chanel
January 21st 2007 to the world it is a normal sunday, but hto the kids at GCHS it is the day Alex Richardson died. He will always be in our hearts. He will never be forgotten. He will always be loved. Alex was a boy with suc a love for life. He made everyone smile and was an amazing Football Player. He changed so many people's lives. Alex is in heaven now, even though he left behind the ones who loved him the most Alex is happy now. He's safe now, and feels no pain. God has a plain for us all, He makes eveything happen for a reasosn. This is just another part of the plan. WE LOVE YOU ALEX, R.I.P
Three years ago, Alex Richardson completed a snowmobiling safety class, allowing him to ride on his own.
The 16-year-old Grayslake boy had been a passenger for years with his uncles, and was excited to have the independence.
“He loved to be outside, loved to four-wheel and loved to snowmobile,” said Alex's mother, Carol Richardson.
On Sunday, Alex died doing what he loved when his snowmobile fell through the ice on Fourth Lake.
Richardson said Alex checked in with her at 4:30 p.m. Sunday.
According to reports, rescue officials were called around 6:30 p.m. when the three boys Alex was snowmobiling with couldn't locate him.
Lake Villa Fire Department Lt. Glen Heitman said rescuers found some of Alex's personal belongs and articles of clothing on the ice.
Just before 8 p.m. divers located him in the water, Heitman said.
Alex was taken to Condell Medical Center in Libertyville where he was pronounced dead.
Lake County Coroner Richard Keller said Alex drowned, but hypothermia also played a part in his death.
Alex was a junior at Grayslake Central High School where he was a running back on the varsity football team.
“He loved football more than anything in the world,” Richardson said.
Lake County Sheriff's Sgt. Chris Thompson said he wouldn't recommend taking a snowmobile out on the water.
“We encourage them to take all kinds of precautions,” Thompson said. “Unfortunately, we've seen this in the past. People need to be very, very cognizant that we've had a sustained period of below freezing temperatures. “
R.I.P ALEX<333
Name: KatelynAnne. i'm a freshman at Sterling College [go warriors!] and i am super excited to be here, finally. I am majoring in biology and psychology; i'm a science nerd. I get very involved with theatre, and music is my life. I'm very motivationally challenged when it comes to school work, but when i set my mind to it, i can really get things done, and done well. I'm very organized, and it's hard for me to work in a messy room. When i see a mess, i'll usually clean it.
music is love.
katie&carolyn&mary are my best friends. i can't live without seeing or talking to one of them at least once a day. i can get very crazy with these girls, but it's always a blast. whether its a house party, just the two of us, bowling, clubbing, shopping, sitting around, talking all night, or whatever, we'll always have fun no matter what.
i love my family, even though it's doubled this october, i couldn't feel more loved and wanted. My parents mean the world to me, I'd be nowhere without them. And my biological dad, well...let's just say my personality definitely came from somewhere ;) i have a half brother who i've yet to meet, but i can't flippin' wait.
i'm a camera whore, i always have my camera in my purse or in my hand. my cell phone is always on me, whether it be purse, pocket, hand, or ear, i always have it. don't even try to take it away from me. one of my biggest peeves is when people go through my phone without asking. i have nothing to hide, just ask first.
and yeah, like everyone, i have a past. that doesn't mean i think every choice i made was right, nor am i proud of some of those choices. sometimes, i'll do something just to piss someone off, and it'll turn into a lot more than that, good or bad.
talk to me;; sweetxasx314
my friends and i like to make crazy improv movies...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I want someone who won't care that I hate wearing shoes, that I'm incapable of sitting still, that I don't know left from right, that I can't grasp the concept of cleaning, and I refuse to be ladylike. Someone who realizes that half the decisions I make are usually ones I regret, and I have the right to overreact at any given moment. I want someone who knows how completely insane I am, and he wouldn't want me any other way.


The Notebook;;Bewitched;;Anger Management;;Meet the Parents;;Meet the Fockers;;Hitch;;Stick It;;Legally Blonde 1&2;;My Big Fat Greek Wedding;;Never Been Kissed;;Mean Girls;;Catch Me if You Can;;Bringing Down The House;;The Incredibles;;Finding Nemo;;Cars;;The Little Mermaid;;Aladdin;;Cinderella;;Sleeping Beauty;;Beauty and the Beast;;Pirates Of The Carribbean 1&2&3;;Indiana Jones [all of them];;The Mummy 1&2;;What Lies Beneath;;Shark Tale;;Snow Day;;Snow Dogs;;The Princess Bride;;The Emporer's Club;;Harry Potter Series;;I Now Pronouce You Chuck & Larry;;Evan Almighty;;Disturbia;;Saw [All];;Wrong Turn;;The Hitcher;;Number 23;;Happy Feet;;I Robot;;Fiddler On The Roof;;My Fair Lady;;Rent;;Peter Pan;;Guys & Dolls;;


Real World ____[<3]Rob&Big[<3]What Not to Wear[<3]Gilmore Girls[<3]Fresh Prince of Bel-Air[<3]Roseanne[<3]America's Next Top Model[<3]


Just Like Ice Cream...To Kill A Mocking Bird...The Crucible...The Princess And The Pauper...Wicked...The Notebook...Harry Potter 1-7...


I am my own hero. I will believe what i want; i have seen myself get through situations i never thought i would be in in the first place. The way i handle myself in tight spots and the way strength i have gained throughout my life has made me who i am today, and i wouldn't have it any other way.

My Blog

thoughts for the day.

i hate that you don’t understand. i hate that i’m a bitch. i treat you like shit. why are you still here? seriously. you deserve better than this, go out and find it. i’m not the one...
Posted by KatelynAnne on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 01:48:00 PST

i had a lot of time to think at work today...

we're not mature enough to be in love. we're still in the romantic "little kid fairy tale world". i think that's what i've been trying to figure out for like, ever. i don't know what love is. i'm 17. ...
Posted by KatelynAnne on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 09:53:00 PST

life is all shit. sometimes it just likes to wear a costume.

is there really a point to life? why are we put on this planet, in this counrty, state, city, town, whatever? is there really a higher power that has our entire lives planned for us, who is just waiti...
Posted by KatelynAnne on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 06:21:00 PST

too much on my mind right now...

friends? what IS a friend? i mean...really? dictionary.com says Friend noun ..>1.a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard. ..> ..>2.a person who gives assistan...
Posted by KatelynAnne on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 07:13:00 PST

bring it.

soo i pretty much feel like all of that is totally true..as for the people i still talk to, i love you guys you keep me stronger and i can't do enough for you in return. you pick me up when i fall, ...
Posted by KatelynAnne on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 03:53:00 PST