..I want to meet someone who loves video games as much as me..I am a totally video game geek!..I love them all own them all..X-Box360 is where its at..Well the DS is nice as well..Someone who can beat me in Tetris..I am the tetris master and will kill anyone in that game..
..I like to listen to anything I can jam out to..
ALICE IN WONDERLAND, Requiem for a Dream, SuperTroopers, 15 and Pregnant, Barbie and the popper, ALICE IN WONDERLAND, What dreams may come,
Nip Tuck, Family Guy, Dead Like Me, Degrassi, Discovery Channel, Spice Channel, MXC, Aquateen, UFC, CSI, Without A Trace
Alice in Wonderland, Valley of the Dolls, Tomcat in Love, Choke, Lullaby, Wasted Beauty, Fat Girl, Summer Sisters, In her shoes, Good in Bed, The Fuck Up, Breakfast of Champions, Zombie Lover
My mom is the greatest hero of all time. She raised 4 awesome daughters including me! And she has managed to keep most of her sanity. Go momma!