Hmm...where do I begin. Let's see...
I live in Salt Lake City with my partner of seven years. I've spent virtually all of my life here, a Catholic stranger in a strange land. And yet I love it. The mountains call to me every morning, and I can't imagine life elsewhere.
I'm an urban planner by training. I love cities - always have. My training in urban planning began when I drew a likeness of the San Francisco skyline on my bedroom wall using my mom's lipstick. If my parents didn't figure out then that I was a gay urban planner...
I love politics. Not for the name calling, the lies, and the corruption. But democracy inspires me. The only way to make a democracy work is to be involved in politics. I love being involved in civic affairs and I volunteer for campaigns whenever I can.
I love to cook. It's cheaper than therapy. When life deals you a set of intractable, long term, complex problems, it's nice to come home and work a kitchen like you know what you're doing. The skills are readily available, and the results are (usually) wonderful. Cooking is an escape.
Speaking of escapes, I love to travel. My last big trip was to Peru (see the picture in my profile? That's the beautiful city of Cusco). I travel when I can. I would rather take a trip than, say, own a big screen television or have a lot of clothes.
I love to write. Currently I keep a blog, but one of my life's goals is to write fiction. As soon as I'm done with my thesis. If you're interested, ask me for the blog address sometime.
I love to read. I spend at least an hour a day reading a book.
My family, friends, and partner are my life. I love the presence of other people in my life. They mean everything to me. One reason I don't want to move is that I have all my people around me.
I imagine. I daydream. I haven't grown up in that sense.
I'm spiritual. I see God in many things.
I have a weakness for science-fiction. I'm such a geek!
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4