Vox Civitatis profile picture

Vox Civitatis

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hmm...where do I begin. Let's see...
I live in Salt Lake City with my partner of seven years. I've spent virtually all of my life here, a Catholic stranger in a strange land. And yet I love it. The mountains call to me every morning, and I can't imagine life elsewhere.
I'm an urban planner by training. I love cities - always have. My training in urban planning began when I drew a likeness of the San Francisco skyline on my bedroom wall using my mom's lipstick. If my parents didn't figure out then that I was a gay urban planner...
I love politics. Not for the name calling, the lies, and the corruption. But democracy inspires me. The only way to make a democracy work is to be involved in politics. I love being involved in civic affairs and I volunteer for campaigns whenever I can.
I love to cook. It's cheaper than therapy. When life deals you a set of intractable, long term, complex problems, it's nice to come home and work a kitchen like you know what you're doing. The skills are readily available, and the results are (usually) wonderful. Cooking is an escape.
Speaking of escapes, I love to travel. My last big trip was to Peru (see the picture in my profile? That's the beautiful city of Cusco). I travel when I can. I would rather take a trip than, say, own a big screen television or have a lot of clothes.
I love to write. Currently I keep a blog, but one of my life's goals is to write fiction. As soon as I'm done with my thesis. If you're interested, ask me for the blog address sometime.
I love to read. I spend at least an hour a day reading a book.
My family, friends, and partner are my life. I love the presence of other people in my life. They mean everything to me. One reason I don't want to move is that I have all my people around me.
I imagine. I daydream. I haven't grown up in that sense.
I'm spiritual. I see God in many things.
I have a weakness for science-fiction. I'm such a geek!
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

...anyone I haven't met already. But especially my paternal grandmother, and my maternal grandfather, neither of whom I got to know before they departed this earth.

My Blog

Bing Crosby + David Bowie = Musical Heaven

Were two voices ever more compatible? I changed my MySpace song to something more appropriate for the season. David Bowie and Bing Crosby singing "The Little Drummer Boy" in one of the last century's...
Posted by on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 11:35:00 GMT