Dogs, music, books, soccer, snowboarding, sailing, swimming, business (starting my own), teaching, Christian brunettes who love kids. Listed in no particular order.
It used to be Keira Knightly when I first joined here in 2005 but my wife will be happy to know I'm very much over that. But as before I'd still like to meet Jet Lee, my future children and maybe even you - if your cool and like snowbaording or math especially
Josh Groban, Andrea Boccelli, Chris Upton, Jeremy Camp, Jason Upton, Casting Crowns, Christian Worship and Trumpet/Jazz
Cry, the Beloved country; Hope Floats (but I can't watch it again) Last of the Mohicans; Braveheart; Rob Roy; Love Actually; Bend it like.. The boxed version of Pride and Prejudice, Anything Jane Austen originally wrote, The transporter... I don't know... help me Rochelle you're good at this.
Hero's, the Sarah Connor Chronicles, Extreme home makeover, scrubs, ...
Anything By Nick Sparks, T.Clancy, Robert Ludlum, Clive Cussler, Robert Jordan, George Martin, John Grisham,
My Mom and Dad (for taking me in), my biological father (for giving me up) and my heavenly father (for calling me his), My brother-in-law for being a real friend