Layout made by elmstreetchild
I will never be the woman with the perfect hair, who can wear white and not spill on it.Who am I? Well it depends who you ask on what day?Let's see... I am a mom... if you ask my kids what kind of a mom I am... well somedays the best mom ever... so cool and understanding... then there are the days where I am the meanest, strictest mom ever... Hopefully in the end when they are older and we sit to reconcile, they will forget the strict days and remember the good and they will know the strictness was only to make more good days for them in the future.I am a wife... I think no matter what day it is if you ask him he will say a damn good one.... (He knows what happens if he says otherwise) I have definately hit the jackpot in that field. I know I am a good wife and I think he knows it too..I am a sister and a daughter... What kind... well depends on what day you ask... last month I was the bestest sister and daughter in the world... this month not so much...same goes with my kids... I am sure there have been more good months... only god can judge.I do not have a lot of friends... the ones I have are few and I hold them very sacred to me. For them I will do just about ANYTHING... that is why I only have a few... there is only so much of me to spread friends know they can count on me and I feel fortunate to say I can count on them too ALWAYS!!
I love to cross stitch like and old lady. A skill that I learned not so long ago is inherited from my dad's mom whom I just met a year ago.
Had to smoke a cigarette after watching this one!!!