1st off: ADAM.(all the rest is white noise compared to the symphony of him) WHITE NOISE STUFF: Reading, scrapbooking, dancing when nobody is watching, watching movies, watching snow fall, talking on the phone, random "adventure" trips, sleeping, swimming @ 3 mile lake, painting my nails, watching previews, taking the scenic route, laughing, singing in the car to the radio, going to the movies, "do-it-yourself" projects, playing with Zoe, Hannah, Littles & Ernie, TARGET, road trips, tickle attacks, FLIP FLOPS (the only way to go BABY!), "bargin" shopping, long showers, randomness, talking with forgotten friends, computer stuff (I am a secret N.E.R.D! lol), sex, finding that "upfront" parking spot", STARBUCKS, the COLTS! talking forever, sunsets, rainfall, crafts, finding a good book, family, cute note cards, decorating my house, the ocean, Johnny Depp *hello! people laying on adam's chest, taking long showers, rubber stamps, LONG kisses, helping forgotten animals, holiday decorating/celebrating, listening to the rain on the window, taking the "longwayhome", STRAWS!, candles, fire in a fireplace, L.O.V.E, dreaming of a little one, PREGGO!, adventure drives, little mice, HIDDEN towns, cupcakes..