design. interior spaces especially. birds. fresh pineapple. crafting. correspondence via snail mail. clay. color. texture. movies. foreign movies. travel. climbing. music. shows. taking walks. hazel jewelry. flowers, any and all. not so much carnations. but orchids. my god, orchids! recreational substance abuse. fiction. sketching. dinner parties. dance dance dancing! lounging in the sun. squirrels. english translations of japanese descriptions by the japanese in japan. dry humor. wonderfully smelling concoctions mixed by caitlyn. awkward moments involving strangers. vanilla milkshakes. fresh art supplies. gift wrapping.
some inanimate object come to life. preferably my hot pink woolish type kitten thing.
at the moment: MGMT, datarock, trentmoller, snowden
amelie. eternal sunshine of a spotless mind. city of god. big lebowski. mermaids. pulp fiction.
i don't watch television. even if i had the bunny ears to do so. i do however, very much enjoy the sex and the city. and planet earth.
at the moment: david sedaris. ernest hemingway. tom robbins.
any one that says "i'm going to do this: (insert interesting activity/goal/whatevs here)" and then does. do it. cheesy, but oh so very true.