People....simply. Different experiences can only function to make my experience more diverse than it ever was before this web site came under my domain. I like pretty people, artsy people, stupid people, cool people, misunderstood people, happy people, sad people, intense people, dead people, kind people, dark people, naughty people, cute people, intelligent people, deep people, hardcore people, tattooed people, strange people, active people, horny people, black people, Jewish people, any kind of people. The uniting factor to all those, and everyone else whom I left off the list, is that we are all people....simply. Talk to me, if you wish, but don't feel obligated to be a friend because friends are special to me. Everyone else I don't know just leaves a memory, an impression, on this world. Just like for those I never know, the most I can ever be is a ghost in the collective, once the demon shell has broken down. We can never be at peace until the mission is complete...