Biddies, Keystone Light, Girls of course, Tennis, Longboarding, Parties, AIM, my phone.
Steven Gerrard, Sean Hannity, Mohinder Suresh, and Peter Parker.
Too much to listen to, I am on and off with artists, but I really like Ben Folds, Billy Joel, The Fray....If you want to see what I have listened to recently, or in the last few weeks check out my audio scrobbler, they are awesome... get one yo.
Boondock Saints, The Three Ninjas, Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels, Snatch, Conspiracy Theory, Spiderman Series, Xmen Series, Layer Cake, Harry Potter, Scary Movie Series, V FOR VENDETTA, Crash, Resevior Dogs
The Office, Boston Legal, House, Random Shows.
Anything Dan Brown (I know all of his books suck, yeah whatever) Not Michael Moore, hes a democrat, and if you know me well enough, you know what I think of bleeding liberals.
Mr Olivo, Mr Steltz, Tron, Gustavo Cuertan