If I had a choice to be an animal I'd be a bird, If I had a choice to be a plant, I'd be a herb. I love to have fun, work out, hike, swim, surf, snowboard, skate, go to hockey games, throw snowballs to my rottweiler Fatty, sing in the shower, work on my car, grow my garden, shoot my guns, go fishing, float the river, lay in the sun, barbecue, cook, vacation, take pictures, search for huge rapids, listen to music, hit the beach, socialize, go out dancing, sightsee, cuddle the cuties, stay up hella early whenever possible, and sleep in hella late when I can get away with it. I attended massage therapy school for a year and decided that some people are way too icky to touch! ;P I am interested in going back to school for cinematography. I like to catch an occasional snowflake with my tongue. I also like to run up my damn phone bill by texting my friends. P.S. MySpace is a waste of time, but I'm surfing the shit right now!
King of the
Damn Jungle
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