I am a 32 year old native of Brooklyn, who stands at 6'2", 220lbs (just in case you couldn't tell from my pictures).
I am the CEO and founder of CONNECTIONS UNLIMITED, a NY based company who's primary functions are event coordination, promotion and marketing. Together with some of the biggest promoters in the city we have brought you events like SEAN JOHN FRIDAYS @ THE SOUND FACTORY, COTTON CANDY FRIDAYS, BROWN SUGAR ALL WHITE @ THE ROXY, WHISPER SUNDAYS @ LOBBY, GATORS & DENIM @ THE ROXY, FROST @ THE ROXY, SWEET SATURDAY @ REIGN LOUNGE, "I HAVE A DREAM" PT 2 @ STRATA, PASTELS : An Expression of Color @ DUVET, DONELL JONES Album Release Party @ SHOW, ALL WHITE AFFAIR @ DUVET, KING @ STRATA ('07 & '08), THE STATE OF DA UNION: ALL WHITE ALL NIGHT @ STRATA, AFTER WORK THURSDAYS @ DUVET, AFTER WORK THURSDAYS @ NEST, ACCESS GRANTED @ BRANCH, AFTER WORK THURSDAYS @ GYPSY TEA ( Come through each and every Thursday ), THE THE GOVERNOR'S BALL @ STRATA (7/03/08)...the resume continues
I know there were a lot of people at Strata on July 3rd for the all white affair, but I don't recall seeing YOU ...
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AQUARIUS - "The Sweetheart"
Optimistic and honest. Sweet personality. Very independent. Inventive and intelligent. Friendly and loyal. Can seem unemotional. Can be a bit rebellious. Very stubborn, but original and unique. Attractive on the inside and out. Eccentric personality.