CLICK HERE TO GET A PRE-MADE LAYOUTthis is my FRIENDS myspace is i don't know u add my different profile NaMe iS ZuLlY
My nIk NaMe iS GiGi
My plUgS aRE 5/8 oF a inCh
am NoT a LeSbIaN It's JuUS A jOkE
i sMoKe
I dRiNk
I DoN'T ReAlLy gO tO SkOol
I DeLeTe PiCtUrE cOmMeNtS
Or aNyThInG ThAt mAkEs mY MySpAcE big
I DoN'T AdD u iF U DoN'T HaVe a pIcTuRe
Or rElIgOuS
I CouLd bE ReAlLy nIcE
i CoUlD Be i bItCh sUmTImEs
I H8 pPl tHaT ArE EmO
Am rEaLlY KoOl tO hAnG OuT wItH
if u wanna talk to me on aim heres my sn
things i do like
-Dancing _I Like ChRIs
-Music -beer -speakin my mind -green -i luv guys -i like hangin out places and partin -i like to get drunk -and i luv my friends -stars
WARNIN:I BITE I LuV tO dAnCe& i liKe guNs
things i do not like !!
i HaTe eMo PpL!cAuSe iF Ur gOnnA KiLl uR SELf juMp oFf a BrIdGe!!
I H8 lAbElS
I DoN'T LikE ReAdIn pPlS PrOfIlES
-i hate onions -ppl that get in ur way -wannabes -i don't like ppl that try to fit in -i hate ppl that say shit before they even get to no u! -i don't like ppl that r concided -i don't like ppl that say stupid things juss to be "kool"