*SmiLey* ClubOholics.com profile picture

*SmiLey* ClubOholics.com


About Me

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Hey what'z up my name's Jacob or ivan that's my middle name, i dont care what people think of me I consider myself Funny, Independent, Open-minded, Mature i stand for those who i Love and as for myself...i stay True 2 Myself & im a down to earth type of Guy that LOVES LIFE for everything that it has to offer..Im real Cool to kick it with & i enjoy having fun... I like going out to clubs and Always meeting New People...i believe life is for expreiences and for having fun not doing what is expected of you but doing what YOU want. If your a Drama Free Perosn that's even better!!:)Hit Me uP!!Im always up for NeW Exciting things. Not unless life is To Treatning;)lol..Lets Just Live Life.

My Interests

My Sister

I'd like to meet:

KEAK DA SNEAK-SUPER HYPHYkeak da sneak- super hyphy

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Have You Ever...
Been arrested? Maybe
Kissed someone you didn't like? yup
Do you like someone? may-b
Kissed someone on your top friends? No
Held a snake? yeah @ a Grocery Store
Been suspended from school? YeaH
Sang karaoke? No but that's funny !!
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Gone skinny dipping that was Krazy
Laughed until you started crying? hell yeah on Roller Coasters with my buddies
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yup
Kissed in the rain? Hell yeah
Sang in the shower? All the time
Sat on a roof top? That was for 4th of july
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? On my B-Day
Broken a bone? Not yet
Shaved your head? I wont
Played a prank on someone? Yeah
Made an ex girlfriend/boyfriend cry? No Lie but that was a joke
Shot a gun? No
Donated Blood? Im Scared of needles
Had your heart broken? Yeah Whos not
Broken someone's heart? Yes..what goes around comes around
Who Was Your Last...
Person you made love to? Sorry personal
You hung out with? Family & Friends
You texted? Used my friends cell phone
You were in a car with? Everybody
Went to the movies with? People i know
Went to the mall with? Friend's of mine
You talked on the phone? yesterday
Made you laugh? Everyone anyone
You hugged? My Mother
You cried with? Me Myself and I
Would You Rather...
Peck or Frenchie? Are u good dough?
Be serious or be funny? being serious N funny
Drink whole or skim milk? fuck it
Die in a fire or get shot? i rather die on Breast
Sun or moon? Moon
Winter or Fall? summer
Left or Right? both..now dont think wrong now
Bottom or Top? U got to Find Out
Sunny or rainy? Summer night'z are the best
100% Honest...
Where do you live? 805 CaLi Caliente
Do you want to get married? Live Life the Fullest But yeah i would like 2
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? I twirl it up like no 2morrow
Have you ever eaten S.P.A.M? Hell no!!
Do You Cook? Live & Learn
Current mood? Hyped ass fuck thankz 2 da RockStars
In The Last 48 Hours Have You...: I forgot
Kissed someone? Yeah
Sang? In the shower and in the car
Danced Crazy? Depends
Cried? On a Movie but it was just tears guys cry 2
Like someone you can't have? too bad soo sad
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***100 Nosey Questions*** by longtallsally28
The Basics
Name: Jacob
Age: 20
Month of birth: 3.13.86
Any Siblings?: No
Parents still married?: Yeah
Occupation: DJ/SchooL
Do you like your job?: HeLL Yeah
Any pets?: 3
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Light Brown Hazel
Shoe size: 9 in Half
Any Tattoos?: 1
Any Piercings?: 3
Current mood: HappY
Current wardobe choice: Tommy Hill Filger
What are you listening to?: UnderGround Hip-Hop
Who did you last speak with on the phone?: None Of Ur Noisy Ass
What do you currently smell like?: No One Else But Me
Movie you watched: 72 Seconds
Magazine you looked at: Maxim
Thing you ate: Fish Tacos
Book you read: Dont Know
T.v. show you watched: Beauty & the Geek
Time you cried: ?????
Took a shower: AlwayS....
Got a real letter (a.k.a Snail Mail): All The Time
Ate at a restaurant (not fast food): OutBack Steak House
CD you bought: P.Diddy Come To Me..... Got So Many!!
What is/was....
The best thing to happen to you today?: Went To Starbucks..
Your most prized possession:
Your first vehicle: Toyota Supra 88 / 350 Z
Your current vehicle: Both
Your favorite quote:
You bedtime (on average): Anytime
Your best trait/characteristic:
Your worst trait/characteristic:
Do You....
Store things under your bed: No thats Dirty!!
Daydream: Sometimes i Do
Have a computer at home: Got 3..
Live in the city, suburbs or country: Everywhere in the 805 but its not what you think.
Live in a home, apartment, duples or mobile home: @ Home Mean while......
Own a cell phone: Side kick 3, Amp gotta have 2
Have a good luck charm: i Think.
Collect anything: Sets of movies...
Attend high school or college: College
Make good grades: I have too
Have You Ever....
Had a surgery?: Yeah
Had teeth pulled?: Once
Broke the law intentionally: Everybody makes Mistakes
Ran away from home?: No
Broke a bone?: No
Cheated on a test/exam: Yeah
Had a friend pass away: No
Been issued a citation/traffic ticket: Yeah
Been in an auto accident: No
Lied to someone: I Dont Tolerate Bullshit !!
Been lied to: yeah.
Your Favorite....
Place to be: Home Sweet Home!
Place to visit: New York
Place to chill: With My Girlfriend.
Non-Alcoholic drink: anything?
Alcoholic drink: "AmF" Adios Mother Fucker
Type of food: Anything
Meal/Food dish: Carne Asada/Spinach/white Rice/Corn
Dessert: Pumpkin pie
Shampoo & Conditioner: Who Doesnt use both
Toothpaste: Colgate
Salad dressing: Rasberry/Ranch
Ice cream: BlackBerry.................
Fast food establishment: In & Out
Color: Anything
Season: Summer
Holiday: OverTime..........
Perfume/Cologne: Got So Many!!
Video Game: Not Sure!!
T.V. show: The 70's Show
Smells: ??????
Article of clothing: Dont Matter
Book: Dont Know
Children's Book: Not Right Now......
Candy: hmmmm?
Car: 350z
Do You Believe....
In Karma: What Goes Around Comes Around
In God: Always
In Heaven & Hell: Heaven
That aliens exist (extraterrestrial variety, not illegal aliens): WTF!!!!
That ghosts exist: Yeah!!
In horoscopes: Sometimes i think its Gossip
In others you know (family, friends, co-workers etc): ????
In yourself: I Do Believe"Always"
Your Opinion....
On the death penalty: He was Given Death
On reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in schools: That's Good for the future kids for what they stand for.
On homosexuals in the military: Thats thier thing leave them alone.
The war in the Middle East: Fuck BusH
Schwarzeneggar...Governor or Terminator: i Think hes a Bullshitter!!
Current gas/fuel prices: Too fuckin Expensive except for winter!!
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