Feliks Dzierzynski profile picture

Feliks Dzierzynski

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I was born in Poland in 1877 and some say I died in Russia - Moscow in 1926 but it is false news. I was the founder of Che-Ka (the best gentelemans club in Russia at the time). I also hung out with the folks from GPU and OGPU both equally as fun organizations that helped free the common peasant from his misery under capitalist oppression of the right wing fascists and other such mean people.
I came from a noble family but quickly realised its poo and as a youth joined the social-democratic movement which partly I was the inventor of in Poland by starting SDKPiL (Social Democratic Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania) in 1900 - those were the days, the farmers cheered! Me and my crew of farmers and also some intellectuals participted in the freedom fighting actions of 1905-1907 and for this the capitalists sentenced me to 11 years. My punishment was to go to Russia which the capitalists thought I would hate because it was a regular sentence to send good Poles to horrible Russia but I proved them all wrong because I LOVED it. Russia was a party country! I have never been to such parties in my life. The booze, the wild Ruski woman - the cigars and most of all the best automobile in the world the big bad red TANK!
We couldnt just sit around and party all the time though, someone had to free the world of the misery, garbage and mean people and I quickly hooked up with my homeys the Bolsheviks - B's Up Yo Yo! Those were the days I tell ya. During the revolution we all hung out like all the time it was happening! I became very close friends with a fellow named Lenin, he was quite a hotty and was a hit with all the local peasant girls and sometimes even boys.
From 1917 to 1926 I was the main and only bossman of the Che-Ka (All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage) it was a very peace-loving group and we simply combated people who stood against the freedom of the world and most of all the working class. During the years of 1917-1926 I sent many people on very fun vacations all over beautiful Russia and sometimes even on deep earth mining experiences from which they never returned. It was a blast. I was busy with work but I still had philosophy and dedication to the freedom cause in my heart that is why I supported Stalin, he was a good man of great stature and Georgian charisma, he was stylin and his moustache and songs a hit with all the people all over free rupublics of the free world free of oppression and other such mean things.
I will write more because my death is not exciting and ofcourse it is false. I live on. Now I am currently in Venezuela, hanging with such cool cats as Chávez and Maradona (you know the best soccer player ever to emerge from Argentina)....I will write more but first I would like to thank Lukashenko of Belarus for keeping my name alive, building me amazing statues (even if some of them look quite horrible and they make me too shart) He is a good guy and knows what is good for his country and neighbours!
I recently visited the American SPY musuem in Washington and I saw a statue there of me. I would like to say that I was VERY dissapointed. The statue was horrible! I am not fat. I also do not look like that traitor Trotsky so please destroy it or else...
With Love and till a few weeks! Feliks the coolest cat Dzierzynski

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Freedom Fighters, Villagers, Revolutionary's, George Bush (so I can punch him in the nose for being so mean to those peaceful people from other countries), Katrina (you know - the hurricane), Montel (for empowering beaten woman), Noam Chomsky (so I can congratulate him on telling the truth about U.S.S.R and how great it was), Michael Moore

My Blog

0040 - Birdfeeders feed the world.

Birdfeeders Feed the World Times are darker then ever have before. We try to bring red light and for short time it did make a shone. Now we have even harder, darker, more evil vision of evil. I had dr...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 20:03:00 GMT

0039 - Philosophy of a Knife...that is cutting a potato.

Philosophy of a Knife...that is cutting a potato. So Feliks went to cinema to see what showings they offers in new age of capitalisims. Comfy bed was offered. Meat was a served. Alcohol beverage diges...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 21:47:00 GMT

0038 - Beware of Stick on Teeth

Beware of Stick on Teeth All know CIA and evil forces of United SA make special evil stuff All know CIA and evil forces of World Order make very bad thing The People they know the evil secrets of this...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 20:14:00 GMT

0037 - hUSSaR Sick and Weak with Shiny Beak

HUSSAR Sick and Weak With Shiny Beak There was Hussar warrior a feminist, she make return into my screens. She see Feliks give kiss kiss and next day mega sick. What can warrior do when this happens ...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 19:21:00 GMT

0036 - Lost my Keys

Lost My Keys So moment have arrived. I came out of tractor tank and see a horrible sight. My starter of machine the magical key sits lonely but tight in hole to make noise of machine start. No way to ...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 23:59:00 GMT

0035 - Tim, I will make your life dim!

Tim, I will make your life dim! I have one friend and she is very nice but this one born of cabbage shovel head named Tim does not leave her alone. What to do comrades ask in circle of red? What to do...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 20:44:00 GMT

0034 - TWAT

TWAT Big spectale was happening. Out of nowhere in the glaring of screen I saw words directed at me by a lady. She said I am TWAT. I said 'a what?' But this was insult like no other to me. I was calle...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 00:13:00 GMT

0033 - Corn is new Potato

Corn is New Potato I told them this info long time ago but commanders and superiorities said I was wrong. They feared this yellow sensation - they feared it will scare the peasant when he sees small ...
Posted by on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 23:44:00 GMT

0032 - Kennedy is Red but Heart is Red Too

Kennedy is Red but Heart is Red Too Once was tale when warm season was no more and now cold is in airs Cold airs usually is not bad because everyone knows cold was chosen for the middle class - in the...
Posted by on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 10:44:00 GMT

0031 - The Love Is a Belt

The Love is a Belt I made many hours spent making punishment on poor assholes of bad people I made them pay with reddish orange mark on their big butts only sometimes when I had appointment with someo...
Posted by on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 04:44:00 GMT