wAiYeNg profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

hMm.. i'm a sia0 zhA b0rx.. rEalli.. i'm 14+ b0rn in 1989 but y0u kn0w.. to j0in have t0 be b0rn in the yeAr 0f 85 mAhx.. s0.. bAhx.. i'd had juz fallen 0ut 0f l0ve.. hahax.. bAhx.. and currently suffering fr0m depressi0n.. i have joined in two gangs now.. hMm.. the AtTiTuDex.5 in year 2003 and lUrVeS thE WeStSiDe GaNg!! iN yeAr 2004!! wE aRe ThE bEst.. hMm.. westside gang consists of girls from mostly 3-2 and some from 3-3 and 3-1.. hMm.. lemme name them out.. hmm the six pple in the pic.. plus yingtong hu yu lynette hui fang eyvonne and i oso forget le hahax.. wE aRe thE bEzT!! =)

My Interests

wEll.. lEmmE thInk.. eRmx.. cRy!! hahax.. cut myself.. watch tV.. tAlks 0n dA ph0nE.. sMs.. liKes an idi0t dAmn mUchx.. likEs t0 gUaI lAn 0s0.. hahax.. eRm.. aNd my FaV! swimming.. especially with my best fReN! BERNICE!! oOpx. =X

I'd like to meet:

any0ne l0rx.. n0t perverts can le.. l0lx..


eRmx.. th0se can make pple cry de l0rx.. lian ren wei man, y0ng qi, an jing, t0night, if y0u c0me back, ni tai chen shi, hua d0u kai ha0 le, he bin g0ng yuan.. and s0ngs that made sense!! PERFECT!!! sAng by simple plan.. my FAV of all! hahax..


eRmx.. basically all that i watch.. actualli it's n0t the sh0w that matters.. it's wh0 i watch the sh0w with.. hahax.. haix.. maybe it's "h0w t0 l0se a guy in ten days" bAhx. =(


nth muchx l0rx.. all da same de.. n0thing t0 d0 will watch de l0rx..


mAgAzinEs l0rx..


dunn0 laex.. yang guo.. hahax.. ZHANG WEI JIAN!! DICKY CHEUNG!.. hehex..