sing-a-longs, the bright side, humans, nature, human nature, exploring, clouds, flowers/trees/plants, reading, video games, shows, the color spectrum, tide pools, libertarian socialism, riding bikes, day dreaming, mythology, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, building forts, photographs, travel, pizza, doodling, chess, self expression, living.
somebody, nobody, anybody, everybody!
V for Vendetta, Dead Poet's Society, Brick, Cashback, Pan's Labyrinth, The Motel, Labyrinth, The Royal Tenenbaums, Detroit Rock City, Princess Mononoke, Life Aquatic, Hook, Good Burger, Fight Club, Memento, Grosse Pointe Blank, Little Miss Sunshine, True Romance, Jurassic Park
The Little Prince
Breakfast of Champions
The Kite Runner
The Only Life That Mattered
Magical Thinking
Rotten: No Irish, No Blacks, No Dogs
Chinese Takeout
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
The Perks of Being a Wallflower