Seeing as this is so popular I'm going to take an even lower blow since im just the biggest crack whore in the world....notice my profile isnt private anymore to all you dirty skanks out there....So im not easy to get along with whatsoever...unless ur my friend. I dont pretend to be nice...If I am its genuine...Hmm what do I hate, I cant stand losing ppl who are important to me,i hate exercise, I loath poeple who take the pussy way out of things and dont have the balls to say things straightforward. SO i'll take this opportunity to be my direct self instead of dancing around why I'm even doing this...I cant stand Amelie whatever ur last name is whore bag because u 1)Are an idiot 2)Are ugly 3)Can't ever directly tell people how you feel cuz ur scared shitless so u put random messages in ur about me profile ie: hypocrites who are blondes and crack whores (ou ou thats me♥) 4)You have no friends 5) well I could go on forever but I have a life so...if ever u want to settle this in person just tell me when and where because I have absolutely no problem telling you every last detail of how ur a whore to ur face.....o and what I like chocolate the color blue and my friends...seeing as I actually have some:) Love u Gi Mel Cokes...PPG♥
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