About Me

%D%A%D%A Get Your Own Voice Player Manage %D%A%D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A%D%Ayea wuz up first off my stats. As you can see in the pic i am about 5'11 and im a chubby dude.I am a very cool dude to be around and chill with. i done been in alot of relationship but been in love two times. I really have grown and learned alot from being in love. I just got out of an relationship witch ive been in for a year in a half. Im not going to even lie i still love her but i know we not going to get back together. i messed up when i show her how much i really love her. What i dont understand is how most girls says all men are the same they doggs and all these other things about niggas and when you get one you dont treat them right. Well i had my whole life story on here about my past relationsip that i was in but im over that now ive moved on and all ima say is that im not on herelooking for a relastionship just people i know and new friends. im a very cool person with a nice heart when you get to know me cuz most of my friends say when they first saw me or b4 they got to know me that i look mean and i was mean i dont think so but yea i love to have fun and make people smile. its my gift. i also like to talk on the phone. i guess thats why i have to of them. but im not going to rap on here hit me up if you wanna talk.i have a sidekick so i be on line all the time and i also have aol and yahoo if you wanna talk on there. so yea get at me if you cool and you wanna talk on a friend level %D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A %D%A %D%A%D%A.. .. /marquee..%A....

My Interests

I GOT SOMETHING TO SAY AND PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ AND COMMENT IF YOU WANT, ITS ABOUT LIFE AND LOVE.......Look life is what you make it sometimes its good sometimes it bad but its what ever you make it. I once was told that friends are like trees if you have a leaf type friend then be sure that there not your long time friend because there only there to make you feel good and sometimes make you look good, But if you find a root type friend then be sure that there not going no where because there going to help you grown and even when you down they will keep helping you grown better and will never leave you. Im at home with nothing to do and since i love to write ima just write a little about whats on my mind and about my life. So now i got about 4 months until i turn 21 and then ill become a legal grown mann. (i done seen and felt it all it seem like), this love thing is no joke. Make sure when you say it to someone you really mean it. 1 way to find out if you sure about the love you feel is if you say it to yourself that you love a person and you just feel good about it then maybe its love, but if you just say it and dont feel nothing like you just saying it to a friend then its for sure its not love. I can tell you some ways if you really know if you inlove with someone if you can wake up every morning and can think of nothing else but that person, if you can do nothing else but call that person in the morning just to say hi to make sure they woke up that morning, if you get a funny feeling doing the day like you cant explain cuz you have not talk to your boo the whole day, if you talking to someone and they rapping about there problems and you dont hear nothing they saying because all you keep thinking about is what you boo doing and all you keep doign is smiling the whole day just think about your baby, If you have not talk to your boo all day and you about to go out to eat and you cant eat all your food cuz you full off love, if after you see your boo after a long day at work and you feel like you have not seen her in like a year and you run to her arms and hold her tight and all you can do is say i miss you and love you so much, then you know you really inlove.( yes any body can say these thing but im saying if you really feel these things) im telling you this because you sould never play with that word call love or someones hurt. I know you asking your self why im writing and telling you this, it because im been fucked up with that word call love and its not a good feeling. Some peoeple take that word love lite. Love can make you it can break you and it can hurt you and sometimes if you dum it can kill you. just think about this for 1 min. If your inlove or not this is just something to think about..... Someone you been with for a long time been telling you that they love you and inlove with you and they cant live without you and you are really inlove with them and then they just tell you one day because yall having problems they tell you that they dont love you like that no more that its not you its them. DAMN THATS FUCK UP RIGHT. WELL THATS WHAT HAPPEN TO ME. But i can say that the LOVE word it made me cuz now im a better man and ive learned alot from that word call love. I say this to have you think about how you use that 4 letter word. oh and if you are 1 of those people who been hurt just know that you can make it even if it dont feel like it, just keep yourself busy and be around people that make you happy. Trust me if you keep yourself in the house and dont do nothing because you feel so down and out its going to eat you alive. So thats why Its always good to have that root like in a tree in your life as a friend. oh and this happen to me like 1 year ago and now i can talk about it because im a man about my shit and girls are not the only people who get hurt niggas do to but we show ours differently. Another thing what gets me girls always talk about how they cant find a good man and there are no good man out here and that we all are dogg but they always want the niggas who beat on them and are so called thugs. Good ones are out here but you cant see them cuz you blinded by so many onther things and that you dont take the time to really get to know a person you always ruching into relationships. Sometimes we do fall for the ones you think is good and then once you find out it was just a treat and you see the real them we still stay with them cuz we feel like we cant live with out them, thats why its always good to have a bestfriend cuz my bestfriend made me see something that was true and it was why would i stay in a relationship that i keep getting hurt in when i can just get out for good and then hurt for the last time and then dont have to worrie about it no more. yes its going to take time to get over it but just know you can do bad all by yourself and in time you will get over it and find that 1 thats for you and about you and will love you for you. oh and know that there is a god and he will in time move that icebox where your heart use to be and make you be able to love again and make your pain go away. I know he did it for me so he will do it for you . Well thats all i have to say i just wanted to give you something to think about in life and when you use that word called LOVE, so think........................................ oh and the single life is that best life. lol. sike nah but it do feel good being sigle and having alot of friends until you find that right one. iight gone.

I'd like to meet:

GOD ON THE DAY I LEAVE THIS EARTH. WHEN ITS MY TIME %Please take time to read this what i had wrote cuz this is real in somepeople life and how they feel. %D%A%D%APlease Make Your Decision While You Have Today%D?or All Have Sinned, And Fall Short Of The Glory of GOD; %D%AWhat shall We say then? Shall We continue in Sin, that Grace May Abound? %D%AMay It Never Be! As I live, says the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; %D?ut that the wicked turn from her/his way and live: turn you, turn you from your evil ways; %D?or why will you die? Whoever believes in Jesus Christ the Son has eternal life, %D?ut one who disobeys the Son won`t see life, but the wrath of GOD remains to come on you.%D%A If You Love Me, keep my commandments.


I listen to gogo all day but if im taken a nice young lady out i got some r


All funny movies


all I watch is HBO, MAX, SHO, TMC, AND BET


The Holy Bible


My mom for putting up with for as long as ive been on eath. she is my hero. i love her to death